Friday 18 February 2011

Sea shell collecting and crafting

On a whim one day this week we decided to drive to the seaside after picking Ruby up from a morning session at nursery.  It was cold and windy and it started to rain, but I'm glad we went.  Arriving in time for a late lunch at a proper seaside cafe, we tucked into fish and chips followed by a chocolate knickerbocker glory before heading off to the beach.

Ruby busied herself making sandcastles

while I went in search of shells

After a quick paddle in our wellies, it was time to come home with our treasure.

The treasure was washed and dried and we learnt the names for the different types of shells (apart from the pink mouse ear ones, which I'm still not sure of!)

The onset of chickenpox and our confinement to the house was a great excuse to get crafty.  With some of the tiny shells we decided to make a treasure box for all Ruby's special little things.

We used:
  • A small lidded box (a recycled gift or jewellery box is perfect)
  • Selection of small shells
  • PVA glue and a brush

This is such a simple craft to do, just a case of painting the glue onto the lid

Arranging the shells on the top

Wait for it to dry and there you have your own little treasure box for keeping all your special bits and bobs in.

If you don't have shells at home, or fancy a wet and windy trip to the beach, you could try using buttons, beads or even dried pasta instead.

Thinly Spread


  1. How pretty! So simple but effective x

  2. Thats lovely. such a lovely idea collecting shells too.
    Something Ruby will treasure I am sure.

  3. awww nice little craft we often make different things with shells as the beach is only 5 minutes away in every direction living on an island so k always comes off the beach with pocketfulls of shells.

  4. I love your beach photos!! And makes me want to visit our "seaside friend" again ASAP!!! And you little shell box is just perfect! We like! :-)

    Thanks for coming to link up!

    Maggy x

  5. Love seashells, great idea - I usually end up sticking them in a pot in the bathroom to get dusty.
