Saturday 4 December 2010

Exclusive announcement and giveaway - Chocadores launch new products

Shhhhh!  Gather round, have I got some amazing news for you!  For the past few weeks I've been on a top secret mission with the fabulous Chocadores discussing the launch of their incredible new products.  How I've managed to keep my trap shut about this, goodness only knows.  Not even Wikileaks has got wind of this.

I wrote about Chocadores inspiring approach to chocolate a few weeks back.  Their passion is to bring pure unadulterated chocolate to everyone. To encourage people to move away from the mass-produced, overly sweetened, hydrogenated vegetable oil filled, tasteless blocks, and to try a purer product made from single origin beans.

Following on from my unashamedly rapturous tasting of the giant chocolate buttons, Chocadores have now launched their mini-buttons.  Available in either Ecuador 39% mini milk buttons or Madagascar 67% mini dark buttons, priced at £3.75 for 150g bag.  These are too cute for words, they're cute as a err... well cute as a button.  You can tell they are not mass-produced as each one is slightly different in size or shape. You will have to take my word for it (or better still, order some for yourself), you have NEVER tasted chocolate buttons like this before.  The milk buttons are smooth and deliciously creamy, with a slightly nutty taste.  The dark ones are rich, fruity and completely decadent.  Size-wise these buttons are about halfway between a chocolate chip and those kid's chocolate buttons (you know, the ones that come in a purple packet).

Also new to the range, the mini milk buttons are now available in a glass kilner-style jar (priced at £8.95), making them a perfect gift for a gourmet cook.  I reckon you could safely stash these in the kitchen cupboard with a 'keep off' sign, and treat it in much the same way as some do their cooking sherry, taking a surreptitious mouthful every now and again!

This time I was determined to use my sample buttons to bake with.  What better recipe for mini-buttons than mini chocolate cupcakes.  The small buttons melted effortlessly, and the smell in the kitchen was heaven.  Here's the finished result (sorry, not the most elegant as I couldn't find my piping bag or my palette knife, goodness knows where they've wandered off to, but I had to show you to prove I didn't scoff the lot again!)

Finally, the third new product is possibly my favourite.  I am a huge fan of hot chocolate, and at this time of the year there's nothing more comforting than curling up with a warming mug.  Chocadores are launching their brand new hot chocolate cube.  I'm honoured that I have already been able to sample this (be jealous, be very jealous).

When it arrived, I did have my doubts that it would work.  It looked just like a giant chunk of chocolate, and I know from previous experience that melting chocolate can be a bit hit and miss.  When melting it for cakes it can sometimes go grainy, or else it doesn't melt thoroughly and you're left with lumps, but most of all, it can take ages.  To be honest, I wasn't entirely convinced it would ever get to be introduced to the warm milk, such was the temptation to just eat it as it was...

But it worked magically.  I heated milk on the stove, added the cube to the hot milk, gave it a little stir and that's it - as simple as that.  No lumps, no sludgy residue at the bottom, but a beautifully even cup of hot chocolate.

Apologies to the purists, but I like to have a marshmallow (or 20) in my hot choc.  Often with the powdered or even flaked versions, the addition of marshmallows to an already over-sweetened drink can be teeth-rottingly sickly.  But as this cube is just pure chocolate and some cane sugar you can safely add marshmallows if you so desire!

I'm so excited about this new product. As far as I know it's an absolute first on the UK market and I'm convinced it is going to be hugely popular.  It's certainly going on my shopping list.

To celebrate the launch of these new products, Chocadores are giving away an exclusive gift set to one of my lucky readers.  The set consists of a pack of the hot chocolate cubes, a glass jar of mini milk buttons and a bag of mini dark buttons, all in a presentation box.  Seriously, chocolate doesn't get any better than this!

To enter, you need to complete the following 2 steps and leave me a comment in the box below.

Visit Chocadores on Facebook and 'like' their page.  Then leave a comment here on the blog answering this question: What would be the perfect chocolate related Christmas gift, and who would you give it to?

For example, your comment should look something like this:

I've liked Chocadores facebook page.  The perfect gift from me would be Johnny Depp dipped from head to toe in Madagascar dark chocolate.... excuse me a moment while I savour that image...

That's my fantasy chocolate gift, you need to come up with your own!

You can get additional entries for doing the following, BUT YOU MUST LEAVE A SEPARATE COMMENT FOR EACH

Post on your facebook wall "I've entered @Missie Lizzie's blog competition to win an exclusive chocolate prize with @Chocadores" (1 extra comment = 1 extra entry)

Follow @Chocadores on Twitter (1 extra comment = 1 extra entry)

Tweet: "I've entered @missielizzieb's blog competition to win an exclusive chocolate prize with @Chocadores #chocadores" (1 extra comment = 1 extra entry)

Make sure you leave a way from me to contact you - a twitter name, Facebook name or email etc. If the winner has not responded within 1 week of making the draw, I will pick another winner.

Sorry, due to weight this competition is open to UK entrants only.  Closing date midnight Saturday 11 December 2010.  Winner will be picked at random. Good luck everyone. x


  1. The perfect chocolate gift would be a Chocadores hot chocolate cube packaged with a bag of marshmallows, a gorgeous mug and a spoon all ready for a hot choc after a cold, wet afternoon school run. Of course I would give it to my children, but only if I had one for me too!

  2. I've posted on my facebook wall too.

  3. I've been following @Chocadores on Twitter since the last comp you ran for them.

  4. I've also retweeted the competition

  5. Ooops, forgot to say I've liked Chocadores FB page too

  6. Have liked on FB and RT on twitter as @yummymumto2 - already like @chocadores on twitter!

    The perfect gift for me would be a bath full of chocadores mini milk chocolate buttons so I could melt away the hours surrounded by chocolate (whilst have a nibble or two!!!)... hmmmm what a thought :) Would keep the kilner jars too as very practical and handy!!!

    A lovely comp thankyou x x

  7. Just shared on FB too (as Kate Pollard)

    @yummymumto2 x

  8. I've liked Chocadores FB page. A great gift would be a molinillo, a chocolate mug and several packets of Chocadores chocolate cubes - a perfect kit for making a perfect hot chocolate. How about if I gave it to myself, I could then make hot chocolate for everyone else??

    A great competition - thanks.

  9. I've posted on my facebook wall.

  10. I already follow Chocodores on Twitter

  11. A life sized Brad Pitt statue cast in milk chocolate would indulge both my greatest passions at once! I couldn't possibly give this away...perhaps I could share a foot with the family!
    Liked the FB page!

  12. The perfect choclate gift would be a bar of everlasting chocolate (I'm thinking Willy Wonka) - this would also be calorie free and therefore guilt free chocolate. I think I'm on to a winner with this one ;-)

  13. Following on Twitter (@thequeenosheba)

  14. I've liked Chocadores facebook page (Roo JulieRoo). The perfect chocy gift would be a 24 box of Chocadores... ( I just shared my box of 12! I wanted to hog them ) with a nice book and a hotwater bottle, with a cute etsy styley knitted cover.... all wrapped up as a selfish night in. :)

  15. I posted to my face book (Roo JulieRoo)

  16. I already follow @chocadores on twitter (Juliejesta)

  17. I've liked Chocadores facebook page. The perfect gift from me would be anything chocolatey but if I am pushed to think of something definite it would be a huge chocolate fountain which refreshed itself every day with lots of new dippy stuff each day as well... heaven on earth :)

  18. I follow @chocadores on twitter @buzylizzy1

  19. I retweeted message above @buzylizzy1

  20. I've like Chocadores Fb page. The perfect gift for me would be a voucher to go to a spa and have a chocolate body wrap, bliss xx Jude xx @jadlgw

  21. I have RT'd comp on twitter @jadlgw xx Jude xx

  22. Valerie Dallimore05 December, 2010 02:02

    I've liked Chocadores facebook page. The perfect gift to give myself woud be a very large magic bar of chocolate which I could safely eat all of even though I am Diabetic... but failing that my perfect gift would be a large box of Chocadores chocolates to give to my husband as I am sure he would let me have one choc as a very special treat at Christmas time...

  23. Valerie Dallimore05 December, 2010 02:04

    ... I have also posted on my Facebook wall...

  24. Valerie Dallimore05 December, 2010 02:06

    ... I follow @Chocadores on Twitter as @VictoriaPlum953...

  25. Valerie Dallimore05 December, 2010 02:13

    ... I have tweeted the message as @VictoriaPLum953

    Thanks for a great competition, lovely prize!

    And I hope I have done it right!

  26. Hi I am rubyred232323, thanks for a great competition!

  27. I've liked Chocadores facebook page.
    You had the chocolate and now you have my wish.

    The perfect gift from me would be Johnny Depp dipped from head to toe in Madagascar dark chocolate.... excuse me a moment while I savour that image...

    I savoured it more than you...ner ner ner ner ner!

    So for my entry
    The perfect fit for me would be Colin Farrell as apparently Johnny has been taken. He would be holding the mini milk buttons in each hand and he would only be wearing a smile.

  28. Tweeted here!/Jo_Bryan/status/11505985449369600

  29. Already following the wonderful @Chocadores on Twitter @Jo_Bryan

  30. Liked on fb. I think I'd like chocolate bodypaint and someone to look after the children so I could spend some quality time with dp...

  31. following chocodores on twitter as liveotherwise.

  32. Following on Twitter and will tweet @daisybeebee and following on FB.
    The perfect gift for me would be a chocolate teapot and I'd give it to my dad for a giggle since mom is always saying he is as much use as a chocolate teapot when it comes to helping choose gifts.
    Fab prize , thanks so much.

  33. I am happy with a bar of lovely chocolate hidden so I can savour it without my son pinching bits! @ali991

  34. I already like their fb and twitter @ali991

  35. I've liked hocadore on Facebook. My ideal Christmas gift would be a huge, moist, excessively iced (with chocolate!) chocolate cake! Given to myself of course!

    I'm @pipersky

  36. Following on Twitter


  37. Posted to Facebook wall


  38. I've also tweeted


    (I really like chocolate!) =)

  39. Dee Dmonte - WISHGIRL123 ON TWITTER.
    I've liked Chocadores facebook page and since you stole my Jonny Depp Fantasy (sure it's a common one so we wont fall out lol) Ok since we have all been snowed in with no chocolate, I would take the whole range, gather the kids and treat the whole family to a chocolate feast chocolate afternoon! Already a fan on Twitter, tweeted, following, fan on FB AND posted staus on FB. Can you tell we have been missing out chocolate? lol

  40. I've liked Chocadores facebook page. The perfect gift from me would be a chocolate bar that contains a secret ingredient which cures colds as me and my family have suffered with colds and no doubt it'll continue throughout the winter, so what would be better than a great tasting treat that keeps us healthy - we wouldn't have to feel guilty for eating choc, how marvellous...

  41. I'm following @Chocadores on twitter (my twitter name is @nicemovesisla)

  42. Liked on Facebook :)

    Basically any gift with chocolate is already the perfect gift, when given to me. So I think I shall buy a big old box of Paul A Young Sea Salted Caramels, wrap them up from Santa, and enjoy them all to myself... :)

  43. I tweeted the tweet mentioned too, see:-

  44. Commented on Facebook (Nickie Chapman)

  45. Following Chocadores on Twitter - @nickiem

  46. And finally, tweeted!

  47. I have liked Chocadores on Facebook.
    My perfect chocolate luxury would be finding a chocolate waterfall and swimming underneath it.

  48. I am now following Chocadores on Twitter as @netcurtains

  49. I have retweeted the competition too as @netcurtains

  50. Have liked on facebook. Well OBVIOUSLY the perfect chocolate gift would be to me! And hmmm perfect? Well a years supply of chocolate or a lifetme would be even better because then I would save SO much money I might actually be able to afford a holiday LOL

  51. I've liked chocadores fb page
    my fantasy chocolate xmas gift would be a huge chocolate fountain that alternates between cascades of milk and white chocolate - all calorie free of course

  52. follow @ chocadores

  53. it would have to be a very large frothy hot drinking chocolate with marshmallows for my 12 year old son. This is his most favourite thing in the whole wide world.... or so he tells me lol x

    followed and tweeted as @dancer2712

  54. I have liked on Facebook. My favourite thing would be Christmas dinner but made from different types of chocolate instead of sprouts could have mint flavoured chocolate yum!

  55. Have posted on my facebook wall.

  56. Following you on Twitter.


  57. I have liked the fb paged, it would have to be a stocking full of all the products while drinking the nice hot chocolate. YUM

  58. A huge bunch of chocolate roses for my mum ...

    (Liked on Facebook)

  59. am following on twitter

  60. I would love a chocolate gift set, that just for once I didn't have to share with my Hubby!

    Have liked your page on Facebook. x


  61. Have liked on Facebook. My absolute favourite would be a hot chocolate with swirls of melting marshmallows in front of a fire after a winter's walk with my dogs.

  62. My perfect chocolate related Christmas gift would be a little chocolate house filled with chocolate buttons. I would give it to my son and his girlfriend as a house-warming gift as they're just about to move into their first home together :)

  63. I've liked Chocadores facebook page. The perfect gift for me would be Orlando Bloom sitting in a bath of warm chocolate, although the thought of Johnny Depp is quite nice so maybe I will have them both!

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. Liked and posted on my Facebook wall - Kirsty Fox

  66. Following and tweeted on Twitter - @bloomingfox

  67. Best Christmas present - Johnny Depp covered in Chocolate - 'nuff said.

  68. The perfect chocolate gift would be a guided tour of the Leonidas chocolate factory - best Belgian chocolates I've ever had :) I'd require plenty of samples to take away of course.

  69. my perfect chocolate gift would be dark chocolate covered coffee beans, chocolate and caffine in one!

  70. a chocolate fountain with marshmallows to cover

  71. it would have to be the chocodores hot chocolate and i would give it to my daughter, she loves hot chocolate.

    i've liked your facebook page.


  72. Galaxy would be fab and i would give it to my mum as its her fave chocolate. liked on facebook too. thank you and good luck everyone x

  73. i would have dark chocolate wrapped up with my hubby off him :) xx

  74. and following chocadores on twitter

  75. posted to my face book page too xxx @twinklenicci on twitter x

  76. I have RT'd comp on twitter @emmacella

  77. RT on twitter as @starwell.

  78. posted on Facebook as Irene Wright

  79. I'm a chocoholic so know my 'good' from 'bad' chocolates. I've travelled to over 25 different countries in the past 15 years and tried chocolate(s) in every one. Yours are truely the best!!!!Husband will be putting in an order for the 15th. December - next birthday - he knows how to keep me happy.....- or he is 'IN BIG TROUBLE'.

  80. I have retweeted and as for the best chocolate related gift I could receive....hmmmm that would have to be Catherine Flack dipped in chocolate

  81. I've liked Chocadores facebook page. The perfect gift from me would be a beach made from guylian chocolate shells!

  82. I've liked Chocadores facebook page. The perfect gift from me would be a chocolate teapot, just to see my boyfriend try and use it :)

    twannywun at hotmail dot com

  83. posted on my fb wall

    karen scammell

  84. Liked on facebook, my perfect chocolate gift would be lots and lots of hot chocolate

  85. following on twitter


  86. twittered the message @rainiexiexie

  87. facebooked the message =]

  88. I've liked Chocadores facebook page. The perfect gift for me would be a choco-choc doublechoc choc chip bar. With extra chocolate.

  89. I have tweeted a chocolate flavoured choco-tweet


  90. I've liked Chocadores on FB. The perfect gift for me - inspired by your Johnny Depp example - would be James Hetfield of Metallica covering me in his favourite chocolate.....

  91. Already following on Twitter - bev_metallica and am about to tweet your tweet.

  92. i would love a massive chocolate foutain, yummmm

  93. Have followed and tweeted @elliepeabody. Perfect Christmas choc would be a years supply of Hotel Chocolate selection boxes - although I doubt they would last a year :)

  94. Have also liked fb and as above perfect Christmas choc would be a years supply of Hotel Choc selection boxes - yum yum (although a friend bought me back some lovely orange choc from France this summer - very nice) @elliepeabody

  95. hot chocolate with lots of cream,

  96. i have tweeted on twitter @dickymint18

  97. i posted on my facebook wall as well

  98. My perfect chocolate gift would be a massive life size car made from chocolate, yum I would give it to my brother :)x

  99. I've liked Chocadores facebook page. The perfect gift from me would be clive owen presenting me with a large box of Hotel Chocolat chocolates, wearing nothing but a discreetly placed TINY apron....

  100. posted on my wall

  101. followed on twitter. @tiddles12

  102. tweeted on twitter. @tiddles12

  103. fb: steph marie

    i would have to say anything dark chocolate for my boyfriend!!

    he adores dark choc.


  104. I've liked Chocadores facebook page. The perfect gift for me would be a lifetime's supply of Madagascar dark chocolate.

    Also following chocodores and tweeted the required comment too :)

    You can contact me on twitter @PoppySparkles_

  105. I've liked Chocodores on FB. The perfect gift for me would be a mountain of Madagascar 67% Mini Dark Chocolate Buttons! They look gorgeous!

  106. I have posted on my facebook wall.

  107. I follow @Chocadores on twitter

  108. I have tweeted

  109. Shared on facebook. Tweeted @daisyduck123
    The things I'll do for chocolate :)
    My ideal chocolate gift would be a neverending box of chocs with all my favourite centres.

  110. tweeted @miskite, and shared on facebook

  111. mmm Johnny Depp dipped in chocolate :) My ideal gift would be a box of gorgeous milk and white chocolate pralines and truffles because nobody else likes them and I'd get them all to myself!

  112. I follow Chocadores on Twitter as @hoolit

  113. and I've tweeted as @hoolit here -!/hoolit/status/13116537137266688

  114. I have liked your facebook perfect chocolate treat would be........a lovely choccie dipping pot and loads of strawberries, honeycomb, marshmallows and fudge to dip into it.......gorgeous!!!

  115. I've liked Chocadores facebook page. The perfect gift would be some delicious choclates just for ME ME ME

  116. I've liked Chocadores facebook page and followed on Twitter @bruniebox. The perfect gift for me would be a huge box of assorted chocolates to sit and watch all the christmas repeats on tv sharing mind...ALL MINE!!

  117. I've liked Chocadores facebook page. My perfect chocie gift would be a Chocolate covered Daniel Craig... I'll keep him to myself!

  118. Have posted on my Facebook wall..x as Susannah Michelle Leggatt

  119. Am following Chocadores on twitter already, have retweeted too as @StomaFreeBuddie

  120. I've liked Chocadores facebook page. The perfect gift from me would be luxury chocolates and I'd give them to my mum! @maisietoo

  121. Have posted on my facebook wall. @maisietoo (Maya Russell on FB)

  122. I am fan of Chocadores on Facebook. Perfect gift from me would be chocolate dusted truffles which I would give to my gf because she loves them.

  123. Posted on my facebook wall

  124. Following chocadores on twitter @alsmonster

  125. Tweeted!/alsmonster/status/13237103596929024

  126. My perfect gift would be a giant box of chocolates all to myself! I wouldn't want to waste them on someone who wouldn't appreciate them as much!

  127. I've liked Chocadores facebook page. The perfect gift from me would be loads and loads of Choclate which does not make you gain weight but instead makes me loose weight and it would be given to me lol

  128. Following on Twitter @FlorrieFloyd

  129. Liked on Facebook and posted on my wall
    Cathy MacLennan

  130. Following on twitter and retweeted @fraoch1

  131. The perfect gift from me would be a box of hot chocolate with little pots of cream and a bag of cubed marshmallows. I would send it to my mum who deserves it and would use it as a treat now and again as she has high cholesterol.

  132. J'adore, Chocadores mmmmm Love love love, love is all you need (and chocolate of course)

  133. I love the chocolate Xmas cakes Thornton used to do they were awesome

  134. A chocolate hug to keep my hubbie all loved up this xmas

  135. Yes, I remember licking my lips reading your previous review. Hoping to be more lucky this time. Tried to post on their FB wall, but so far unsuccessfully, it doesn't want to accept my message. But I Liked their page.
    I looove hot chocolate, and your picture looks so tasty, I'd better do a cuppa for myself before going to bed, sadly not Chocadores.

  136. Finally managed to post on their wall. Facebook is being odd today.

  137. I already like Chocadores facebook page. The perfect choccy gift would be a chocolate bouquetand I would give it to myself! (selfish, I know but I deserve a treat now & then too!)

  138. Already follow chocodores on Twitter

  139. and have tweeted :)

  140. Have like on FB! Definitely HOT CHOCOLATE!

  141. The perfect chocolate gift would be a tray of the most milky chocolates with such decadent fruity centres, in every single fruit available - pineapple, peach etc, and more extravagent ones like dragonfruit. Yummy!

  142. ^ I have also followed on Facebook and twitter, @flamingice48. Mine is the comment right above!

  143. I've liked Chocadores facebook page. The perfect gift from me would be a great big box of different chocs for a fab Xmas girls night in - 2 of my friends are pregnant so are off the booze and some luxury chocs would be just gorgeous.

    (Caroline Eccles on FB)

  144. I've liked Chocadores facebook page and follow on Twitter as @muskrat16. The perfect gift from me (for me) would be a bathtub full of melted Madagascar dark chocolate, with me in it!

  145. I would make a chocolate wedding sculpture of my wedding day and give it to my new husband which would show him how much he makes me melt in his hands lol x

  146. (ps) I'm also following you on facebook. Great site xxx

  147. the perfect gift for me would be a casket of rare chocolates every month. I couldn't give them away, but I would share with friends and family of course!

    I've like on facebook and posted to my wall

  148. chocolate body paint - present for my

    i like your facebook page

  149. I've liked Chocadores facebook page

    my gift would be loads of chocolate of diffrence flavers and melt it to use on a fountin and then get my oh to feed me marshmells dipped in chocolate mmmm

  150. also have shared on face book and twitter @bella165

  151. Kylie and Dannii trapped in a chocolate block. The only way to save them is to start eating. Ooo I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight!

  152. Liked on Facebook (William Gould)

  153. Suggested to friends on Facebook.

  154. This comment has been removed by the author.

  155. Following on Twitter (gouldie7)


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