Wednesday 20 March 2013

Red Ted Art - THE BOOK!

Nearly 2 years ago, I remember being at an event to launch Nick Coffer's book My Daddy Cooks.  Maggy Woodley my crafting blogging hero was there too and although we'd spoken loads online, I think this was the first time we'd met in real life.

I recall Nick telling her she must, must, must write a book of her fabulous crafts, and now, nearly 2 years on her book is finally here.

I cannot tell you how proud I am of Maggy.  The book is just beautiful, crammed full of stunning photos of her inspired crafts and her gorgeous children.

Maggy has been such a huge support and help to me throughout my blogging journey, always there to offer advice.  Her blog Red Ted Art is an inspiration to everyone to get crafting with their kids.

The projects are so simple and well explained that really anyone can do them.  I love how she uses materials that most people already have at home and there's a strong emphasis on recycling, so it's perfect for spur of the moment, impromptu making.

It's the sort of book that you can just allow to fall open on any page, and you'll want to make that item.  From a pretty garland of garden flowers to wear in the hair; to loo roll people; to rainbow popcorn.

If you like to be a bit more organised about your crafting, then you'll love the fact that it's ordered in sections so after a trip to the park you can head straight to the nature chapter, or following a visit to the beach dip into the stones section.

We had a go at one of the sewing projects, trying my hand at these felt strawberries.

I'm so pleased with how they turned out, although they were quickly stolen and squirrelled away in the play house fruit bowl before I'd even finished putting the stalk on the last one!

The book is available to purchase from 28th March, or you can pre-order now from Amazon priced at £10.23.  I cannot think of a nicer birthday or Easter gift for a child, or treat yourself and be inspired.

There's also the chance to win your own copy, so head over to the Red Ted Art blog and enter now, or check out the competition over at Thinly Spread.

Disclosure:  We were sent a copy of the book for the purposes of this review however all opinions expressed are my own.  This post contains affiliate links.


  1. Do you know I think you are so right what a lovely easter gift for a family rather than buying the kids more chocolate. Mine often get about 6 eggs each I would love to receive this instead. great strawberries!

  2. Think how much longer it would last than an Easter Egg! x

  3. Awwwwwe you strawberries turned out brilliantly! So pleased that they went straight into the play kitchen!!! Thank you for the super review. I am chuffed to bits that you took the time to look at the book and do the craft.

    Really loving the support of my blogging friends. Thank you!


  4. Doesn't it make you so so proud! And I haven't even met Maggy!! xx

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