The Old Man has had a whole week off on annual leave. As we managed to get some very dull chores done - like clean out the pantry and re-organise the linen cupboard, he decided to reward me with the promise of a WHOLE DAY'S chazzing. Whoopee, my idea of heaven...mooching the streets, hand in hand, small person safely tucked away at school, a leisurely lunch and a meander through the bric-a-brac and book shelves.
As the world was my oyster I selected Hitchin to visit. I haven't been for a while and have always had rich picking there. Partly for some perverse delayed gratification, partly to give me an incentive to get through the mind-numbingly boring household chores, but mainly because of the planned vintage market, I chose Friday for the magnificent day, hoping I'd be in for double-bubble.
Fortified with a bacon sarnie and a strong coffee, we arrived in Hitchin town at 10am. First stop the Salvation Army which seems to have arbitrary and highly erratic opening hours. Almost every time I come it is shut and I find myself forlornly peering through the window at the wondrous vintage treasures.
This time it was open - result! Heart-rate quickening we walked through the door. There was a customer at the till about to pay for about a thousand ink pads and stamps which were tumbling from her arms onto the counter. I eventually found the box these had come from and sure enough, she had cleared it our - leaving only the most obscure greetings and sentiments behind. Pipped at the post again.
Wondering around, nothing caught my eye, but I picked up a very practical packet of sewing needles for 50p.
Onwards and upwards. The expectation and excitement was still buzzing, but as we entered and exited numerous shops empty handed, our mooch became more of a disappointed plod.
We popped into our favourite cafe for lunch, only to find it heaving, so we headed off and did a few more (fruitless) charity shops before returning. Still there were no seats to be had, so we had to make do with a second rate sandwich and coffee at an alternative.
Never have I had such a rubbish return from an entire town's charity shops. This time of year, most of them seem to abandon their regular customers, swipe clear the bric-a-brac shelves and replace vintage tea cups and kitchenalia with cheap plastic Christmas goods. Entire linen rails make way for the dreaded 'party wear' consisting mainly of shoulder-padded Etam sequined jackets and 1980's Laura Ashley velvet sweetheart dresses. Jewellery cabinets are robbed of all sparkliness and stuffed with multi packs of Christmas cards.
Is this what we have to look forward to for the next 6 weeks? Charity shops, I implore you - don't do it. Don't force me to eBay. I may not come back.
Hoping you had better luck than me, please grab the badge and link up.

I'm having the same problem - all my favourite bric-a-brac shelves are now full of shiny tat, and the clothes sections have gone all sparkly and satiny and hideous.
ReplyDeleteI may hibernate till mid-January.
I am going out in the morning and finding something just so I can join in!
ReplyDeleteBummer to hear of the dry spell, don't suppose they had any opened packets of Dazz or Pampas grass seed?
Hmmm, I have never noticed that trend here in Arkansas. I hope it doesn't catch on! We are still enjoying a slew of yard sales each weekend, so I haven't spent as much time in the thrift shops as I will when the weather turns cold. I hope you have better luck on your next outing.
ReplyDeleteDon't say that! I have my mammoth Saturday coming up next week. The very reliable chazza shops of Roath (source of my D&G jeans, and once home to a pair of size 3 Jimmy Choos in a window, sadly I'm a size 5), followed by the NCT rugby scrum. Please don't let it all be tinsel & tat! I promise I'll link up soon, I have some oddities I found recently, but STILL haven't photographed or blogged.
ReplyDeleteImmensely disappointing - I do know the feeling. Don't worry, I'm sure you'll soon find some fabulous charity shops bargains! x
ReplyDeleteYou always do so well!! Normally all the good pickings go in Lewes I have much better luck when I'm at my Mum's in Barnet. Got lucky this week. I'm sure you'll have more luck next week too :)
ReplyDeleteDarnit! I saw someone tweet, I think it was the lovely ChrisTeaand Cakes, that she hoped Kirsty's new show was going to ruin her shopping at Charity shops. Good Luck for next week.
ReplyDeleteSometimes I have a dry spell, with not even a teacup in sight, lol x
ReplyDeleteSo disappointing when you had such high hopes! I haven't been looking much recently, but on my last trip noticed a load of christmas tat creeping onto the shelves. Didn't fill me with festive cheer either! x
ReplyDeleteAh I know, so disappointing this time of year all the treasures make way for sad looking tinsel!!
ReplyDeleteHow sad! The pickings have been pretty slim lately, and I definitely sympathize with the terrible addition of boring low quality Christmas stuff at the thrifts. Hopefully next week is better!
ReplyDeleteIt's a sad day when you can't find anything. I love how you put it off till Friday too. I do things like that.
ReplyDeleteHaHa! Etam jackets and Laura Ashley velvet! So true! Hitchin boot sale is where it's at! x
ReplyDeleteP.S. I start work in the Sally Army this week! Eek! I shall be fumigating things upstairs! They are closed every wednesday and also sat afternoons. And close quite early every day I think. 4ish or 4.30 ish. Shall I put aside the Etam jackets for you? ;)
DeleteUgg, how disapointing! I once visited about 20 shops in one day and came away with nothing!
ReplyDeleteDays like that are so frustrating! I remember me and my hub visiting several posh villages in one day earlier this year and coming home with hardly anything, its wounding!
ReplyDeleteAqeela xx
I feel guilty for having such a good week now!