Like a lot of Daddies, Ruby's Dad works long hours. He has a long commute too so is frequently out of the house for 12-13 hours a day. Often he misses meal times together, and sometimes he misses bedtime too. His job can be stressful, he often doesn't get chance to phone during the day and I know he misses her terribly. He also 'hot-desks' which means he doesn't even have his own work station where he can display a photo or pin up a drawing.
So, for Father's Day I've come up with a present that I hope he will LOVE.
It's his 'just because I love you book' to keep in his jacket pocket. When he's missing his little girl, he can open it up and flick through to pick out a little hug.
You'll need:
Thick card (I used an unwanted picture mount)
Decorative paper (I used wallpaper, but you could use wrapping paper, painted paper or paper your child has decorated)
Ribbon or elastic to tie
Glue stick
We've been saving little mementos for a while for this book, and we'll continue to add for the next few months but some ideas of things you can pop in are:
Notes or favourite sayings about love
Hand prints
Photos of memorable days or trips
Swatches of fabric from favourite baby clothes
Lock of hair
Hair ribbon/bobble
To make:
1. Cut out 2 identical size squares from the thick card - make sure it will fit in his pocket! I based mine on the dimensions of his wallet and cut squares 10cm x 10cm.
2. Cut out 2 pieces of your decorative paper, the same size as the card but + 3cm larger all round.
3. On one book end (the rear) lay out with the paper first, your ribbon running across the middle, then your card on top. Now cut slits in the appropriate point on the decorative paper so you can thread the ribbon to the front.
5. Cut a long strip of paper for your folded book. The width should be approximately 1-2cm less than the size of your book boards. Fold back and forth into squares in concertina fashion.
6. Glue the first and last 'page' to the inside of your book boards making your concertina book.
7. Tie ribbon to hold closed and trim back to required length. Tip: you might want to use a thinner ribbon, mine looks a bit girly when tied in a bow, but luckily he's in touch with his feminine side!
8. Fill up this inside pages with pictures; notes; photos etc.
I hope this will bring a smile when his boss says he has to stay late and he'll miss bedtime stories, or his train has been delayed (again).
What would you put in yours?
Hop on over to Red Ted Art to find more fabulous gifts for him.