Saturday 26 April 2014

Messing about on the river

The weather looked a bit ropey this morning but we took a punt (geddit) and headed off to Cambridge for the day.  I'm glad we did, it was a bit breezy but it turned out to be a glorious day.

We went to one of the Old Man's favourite spots and this proved too much to resist.

He hasn't swam here since the Team Honk Relay, and it was considerably warmer today than it was then.

Him and Ruby decided to have land and water races, with her careering up and down the riverbank, beating him every time.

I mooched about in the quiet gardens, snapping the flowers.  I've fallen in love with this snowball bush and the caretaker kindly let me take a few cuttings so hopefully in a few years I'll have my own glorious pomander blooms.

After the racing, there was time to take to the water, but this time in a boat.

We'd never punted before and it took a little while to get the hang of it, especially when some areas of the river were so deep the pole didn't even reach the bottom, but it was fun. Least it was from where I was sitting.

Ruby enjoyed trying to row - mostly at times when it wasn't helpful, but still.

All in all a rather lovely afternoon.  I wish I'd packed a picnic and a bottle of fizz!

Joining in with Country Kids.
Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall


  1. I've punted on the river Cam before. It's great fun. I love the look of those flowers!

  2. What an AWESOME day out. But yes, a picnic with fizz would have been the icing on the cake.

  3. Ahh I love this! I don't live too far away from Cambridge and reckon a good punt is in order this summer x

  4. What a great name snowball bush is! Hope the cuttings work its lovely

  5. What a wonderful afternoon, very Wind in the Willows even! The top photo shows a lovely reflection, and the bottom photo of your daughter is gorgeous, she's looking just like you.

    Nipping over from Country Kids.

  6. A relaxing afternoon, I think the picnic and fizz was a definite missed opportunity! I love the races, your husband should have been here last week for our raft races, all the kids were in the river but none of the adults were brave enough! Thank you for sharing your punt on Country Kids

  7. I love your day. Looks so much fun and I really have an itch to go somewhere now just to hike. I have energy! #countrykids

  8. Thanks for this, I felt like I was enjoying a fabulous country swim (and not in the middle of this horrible weather weekend).

  9. Lovely photo's, looks like you had a fab afternoon

  10. How grown up is Ruby?! Can't believe it is warm enough for a pleasant dip there...actually Simon going in doesn't really say much at all, eh?!
    Beauty day.
    Come to NZ and swim please. X
