
Tuesday 29 May 2012

Jubilee Celebrations - a round-up

We've been very busy getting ready for the weekend.  Ruby is so excited about it that she appears to have invented her own word - anything that is red, white and blue is 'jubileesy'.

I think what's sparked her interest so much, is hearing that I and her uncle were around the same age for the Silver Jubilee, and that we dressed up and had a street party.  We also came to the conclusion that her grandparents were probably a similar age to her now at the coronation ("that's when the queen is made, Mummy").  We wondered whether William and Kate would be coming to the throne by the time Ruby has children of her own...

Children of the 70s laugh in the face of Instagram

Today Ruby is having a jubilee party at nursery so she's dressed up accordingly!

I stencilled a crown motif onto a plain white vest top using DYLON gold fabric paint.  She's wearing a simple red, white and blue tutu that I made and the crown which she made herself.

A really lovely idea inspired by this post - it's a very effective, yet easy craft for a child to make.  We painted it with yet more DYLON gold fabric paint!

I've written several posts of our preparations so I thought I'd bring them all together here and give others a chance to link their jubilee posts.

We've made jubilee themed ice cream cupcakes...

I've done some savvy shopping to keep costs down...

I've tried my hand at a new craft and used water-slide decal paper to make a souvenir...

The front door is dressed with a pop pom wreath

and we've made a special picnic blanket for our tea party at the weekend...

If you've written any posts on your plans, makes, bakes or memories please do join up here. Please remember to link back to this post so everyone can join the party *waves flag excitedly*.


  1. Blimey you have been busy and loving rubys jubilee outfit!
    I've been very slack and done nowt for the jubilee katie just doesn't seem bothered and the old man is working for the whole bank holiday weekend typical!
    Might make myself a jug of pimms and slap some bangers on the bbq but thats as far as it goes for jubilee celebrations in our house :(

    1. Perhaps I've just got too much time on my hands! x

      Enjoy the Pimms, that's all you need really isn't it?

  2. Fab! I am so getting into the Jubilee Spirit! xx

  3. I am loving Ruby's outfit. I managed to make cakes

  4. Sorry, my first link entered itself automatically from yesterday, can you delete it please! The second and third of mine are both Jubilee related though - the first one being today's ta-dah Tuesday post.

    I love the crown, I still have to make two in time for Thursday...sigh.

    1. The crowns are not hard - just need to dry. I left mine in the sun and they dried in a couple of hours, but the links shows how to do it in the microwave. I also used good old PVA instead of fabric stiffener.

  5. Wow i am really impressed with all the things you have made i love the wind break and the tamborine.You are putting me to shame i could not even make cakes i faked it. I wish i could borrow you to come up with a king costume i am running out of time and renovations have taken over my life xx

    1. Ooooh a bit of purple velvet for a cloak? Gold card crown?

  6. Some great craft activities here I especially love the icecream cupcakes they look very effective and yummy too :) my little one would love them. Ruby looks lovely I hope my little one looks as good as Ruby on Fri at her party. We have been making lots of crafty bits and planning a party too.

    1. Ahh thank you. Just popped over to your site - its ace. Will be an avid reader of yours from now on x

  7. lovely linky with some great ideas x

  8. Thanks for hosting. Great ideas :)

  9. Gorgeous what a great round up x

  10. You are too crafty for words. Ruby looks truly Jubilant... hehe. You should knock up a batch of those crown stencilled vest tops in kids and adult sizes, you'll do a roaring trade come Jubilee Weekend. Have a great one x

    1. Haha oh yeah, maybe I'm missing a trick here!

  11. YOu are one talentwed Lady Miss Lizzie B !

  12. Love all your preparations Liz....soooooo exciting isn't it! Your silver jubilee is just as groovy as mine, lol! Brilliant! x

    1. Hey fellow 70s child :0)

      Thanks, can't believe just how excited I am!

  13. Wow you have been really really busy. I love the pom pom wreath on the front door. Will have to get Spike to make the pom poms and get ours up tomorrow, then will send you a photo x

  14. WOW .. you are so skilled .. Mary Poppins thats you !

  15. My husband and I wish we had stayed another year so that we could have enjoyed the Jubilee and the Olympics! Oh well, I will have to see it all unfold via my fave blogs! You are always so darn crafty, stop it! hahaha...I like the crown and Ruby is a true fashionista. Cute cute xx
