
Tuesday 29 May 2012

Liberty inspired bias binding watch

Ages ago I met up with the delightful Molly and Kat for afternoon tea at Liberty's.

As you do, we went for a mooch around the store afterwards oohing and ahhing at the pretties.

We spotted some fabric tie watches and I vowed and declared I could make a similar one for a fraction of the price.

It's taken a while, but I finally found a vintage watch to sacrifice itself for my plan.  I saw this sorry looking timepiece, complete with chewed strap at a local boot fair the other day.  "Does it work?" I asked the hapless young seller.  "Erm yeah, it probably just needs a new battery innit?" salesperson of the year responded.

Well no, actually love, what it needs is to be WOUND UP.

I took it apart carefully and gave it a thorough clean gave it a spit and polish and a wipe with a cotton bud.  Next I snipped off the mangled leather straps and threaded through 1/2 metre of patterned bias binding - this was from my local sewing shop as I forgot to pick up the real deal last time I was in Liberty's.  Check out ebay too - search for patterned bias binding for loads of options.

Not my wrist, but a piece of felt in case you thought I was incredibly pale/fleecy

Iron it to the required width and snip the ends to a point to prevent fraying.  Wrap and tie round your wrist. 50 cm is enough to go twice round my wrist, but use less if you only want it to wrap round once.

Et voila!  Total cost: 50p for the watch and £1 for the binding.

Linking up with Ta-dah! Tuesday. and Handmade Thursday.

Molly and the Princess


  1. Excellent result! And you'll be able to change it whenever you fancy.
    You and Lakota have offered ideas that you don't need to be a whiz with a sewing machine or tools to make - cheers!

  2. What a wonderful idea, I love it and that watch is gorgeous. I suppose the yoof of today don't do wind up watches. Great makeover honey. x

    PS - you can borrow my punches any time, just holler!

  3. Brilliant! I have been keeping my eye out for a suitable second hand watch and also have some Liberty fabric - now all I need is the time and energy but you have really inspired me. This is something I will have to try once the baby is here and I get my craft on again (one day).
    Well done missus!!!

    1. You have more important matters in hand! x

  4. It's gorgeous! Nicer than the Liberty ones. I'm laughing at your lovely fleecy pasty arm :) You should make more of these and sell - I'd buy one straight away. On Cash in the Attic this morning there was a lovely Cartier watch that sold for only £50 (ok, so not such a great bargain compared to your bootsale 50p watch!) but it was lovely, and would have been gorgeous with such a strap xx

    1. Thanks Molly, if I could find a constant supply I would!

      Now I see why you're absent from the blogging world - too busy watching daytime TV ;0)

    2. ... just turned it on during a break from some serious hard work, ahem!

  5. I already have a watch that i was planning to do the same to! Thanks for the reminder. (Didn't know they had them in Liberty) Love your blog, you have a new follower. Thanks for commenting over on Thrift Bee

    1. Yay, thank you! And thanks to Lakota for bringing like-minded peeps together x

  6. I think your fleecy arm is delightful! What a brilliant idea, and am laughing at the yoof not knowing about er, clockwork. Thanks for linking up!

    1. Can you believe it? I guess people don't even bother with watches nowadays since they just use their phones.

    2. I love it! Actually SO simple and awesome! I love a watch even though they're being slowly replaced by technology. It would be cool to have a bunch of strips of fabric at the ready to change it up with different outfits! For the tip!

    3. Thanks Mel, I shall be stocking up on pretty binding. Reckon ribbons would work nicely too?

  7. That's gorgeous. I am definitely giving this a go as I have loads of watch faces.

  8. I love this idea and will be putting it on my long list of things to do!

  9. Wow you are so clever! I looove this watch :) Your comment about the pale fleecy arm really made me chuckle too!
