
Monday 28 May 2012

Magpie Monday - Two fr'a pound

I would have liked nothing more this weekend than mooching round the boot sale with the sun on my back.  However, the Old Man, in his infinite wisdom decided a family bike ride was much more in order.  His idea of a fun time and my idea of a fun time are seriously poles apart.

Saturday was a busy day too, dashing between birthday parties, but I did spot a large hand painted banner on the village hall announcing a '50p sale'.  I made him do a handbrake turn and we all traipsed in.

I have no idea who or what the sale was in aid of, but there were lots of tables laid out with all manner of things, and despite it opening some two hours previously there was tonnes left - perhaps these ladies need some marketing assistance?

It was 50p to get in and everything for sale was 50p.  I didn't have a cup of tea and a slice of cake, but I suspect these also would have been priced at 50p, it being the order of the day.

I have to say, I quite liked this approach.  There was no haggling, no dispute over prices, no embarrassment when you pick an item up only to be told they want a tenner for it.

Here's what I got:

A cerise leather flower brooch

Pretty vintage clip-ons

Vintage embroidered bread holder

Brand new 3D snowflake cookie cutter

Ball of ribbon wool to be used for gift wrapping

A diminutive picnic basket, perfect for Boris to take on his teddy bear picnic

Bargain of the day - a vintage card game with endless crafting opportunities

Did you manage to sneak in any bargain hunting? I'd love you to grab the badge and link up. x

Me and My Shadow
Grab my button
and link to my blog


  1. "Heaven, I'd be in heaven..."
    Love that green bread holder and the Kan U Go, bargs!

    1. Haha I was in heaven, more fun spending 50ps than at the slots even!

  2. Ooh, I love the bread holder! How pretty.

    I'm joining in for the first time today :o)

  3. I do like the sound of the 50p sale - sounds perfect! Love the sparkly clip-ons and excellent score on the much sought after letter cards!

    1. I shall have to hide the earrings from the mini magpie in the house!

  4. Wow, what bargains you got this week! Love the cerise brooch, and the teddy picnic basket! Fab! x

    1. The brooch is an amazing colour. Not sure what to do with it though - I may clip it on a bag.

  5. Fab finds Liz, and delighted you managed to get some magpieing (?) in on a family cycle ride. Sorry for my conspicuous absence from MM and blogging in general, I have been buying, but just too busy to blog. Hopefully back to it soon xx

    1. Missing you terribly.

      And hats off to you and all who cycle - my butt is bruised!

  6. How wonderful to stumble across a 50p sale! The bread holder is gorgeous, I've never seen one like that before and love the old game x

    1. Thanks, I don't really have a green colour scheme but may have to make one just to go with the roll holder!

  7. Now that is my kind of sale. I have a £1 basket at the vintage markets I do and its always my best seller. Love your little haul especially the teen picnic hamper !!!

    1. Thanks Karen - I'd love to rummage through your pound basket!

  8. Wow the bread holder is gorgeous! Hope you use it lots :-)

    1. I will try my best. I think only homemade rolls will do it justice ;0)

  9. The 50p sale sounds great, and how fab that there was lots of stuff left.It must have been more genteel than the jumble sale I went to a couple of months ago! Love the bread holder and the game.

    1. Oh it was much more refined than any jumblie I've ever been too - we were the only customers there!

  10. 50p sale sounds like my kind of thing, glad you managed to get some Kan-U-Go cards, I found another pack of Lexicons at the weekend, I feel some more wordy banners coming on!

    Love that picnic basket and the embroidered bread holder. Kudos to your Mr's stunt driving abilities. x

  11. Ohhhhhh the bread holder! It is such a gorgeous colour and the embroidery is so delicate and pretty :-) Brilliant finds this week!

    Jem xXx

  12. The leather brooch is fantastic!

    1. Thanks Paulette, I've got some leather bits in my craft stash - hoping to recreate it!

  13. Wonderfully random. You use an excuse to mark things out as essential, don't you? Or is that me? Or both of us?
    I like the leather brooch best, very vibrant and cool.

    1. ALL these things are essential. Obviously. I just didn't know it yet ;0)

  14. Nice finds cant go wrong for 50p each!

    1. 50p sales are the way forward I reckon!

  15. Love the vintage cards, I always pick them up when I can!

    1. I've not seen any for donkeys so was very happy to find these.

  16. Love all of your vintage goodies! I love to search for vintage finds when I can. visiting you from

  17. Can't wait to see what you do with those cards! Love Boris' picnic basket!! x

    1. Ahh thanks - Boris is the envy of all his mates ;0)

  18. Oh I want that wool ribbon! Serious magpie envy!

  19. My husband is really into the family bike ride too. I would rather shop! Good finds!

  20. I have finally organised myself to post a magpie monday post, on a monday! GO ME!

  21. Great linky - found you through Momma Two and I'll be back next week to link up.
