
Monday 18 March 2013

Magpie Monday - Paper Punches

This week has been crazy busy.  I mean INSANELY busy.  When did 5 year olds get such hectic social lives?

We've had 3 birthday parties this weekend - including her own and frankly I'm ready to slump into a gin-induced coma in the corner.

Dashing through town to buy paper plates and party streamers didn't exactly leave much time for mooching around the charity shops.  However, my chazza radar is still ticking over, and screeching past one shop I slammed on the breaks (I was on foot, you understand) when I spotted these in a window.

Yes, I know they're not the most exciting of finds, but they will substantially boost my paper craft equipment collection and they're always handy to have when knocking up cards and gift tags.

They were a bargain too at £1.75 each for the big ones and 99p for the little one.  I know they cost about £7 each in my local craft shop, and so did the sales assistant as he muttered about them being priced too cheaply.  I felt a momentary pang of guilt, but soon remembered that I'm probably one of their best customers, and some you win some you don't.

What second-hand gems have you found lately? Grab the badge and link up.

Me and My Shadow


  1. I also suffer the guilt! Thanks for hosting and happy monday!

  2. Ooh jealous! I've linked up my upcycled blog! Plus don't you think the vintage suitcase makes a perfect cake stand! It was my Granny's and is full of her old playing cards!

  3. Hey there. I found you through The Nifty Thrifty. I like your blog. I'll be back. :) Have a good week.

  4. Sometimes I feel guilty for getting such good deals on things I know are worth more, but I always remind myself that the store is getting what they want (stuff off their shelves!) at the price they asked for. Remembering that we buy so much from those stores always makes me feel better, too!

    I bet you'll make some adorable gift tags and such with those things!

  5. Great find, they can be pretty expensive new. Saw a small box of them quite cheap in Lidl but dull shapes. No flowers!

  6. What a bargain! They are normally really expensive. x
