
Friday 15 March 2013

Friday Finds - Celebrate good times!

Can we all please join together in a rousing chorus of Kool and the Gang?

It's been a very tough time in Blogland lately, with tragic and desperately sad news.  This week however, I'm pleased to report that there's some joy and happiness, and plenty to celebrate, so I'll highlight some of my favourites for Friday Finds.

This is a collaborative weekly feature with Chris from Thinly Spread, Becky from Baby Budgeting and Ruth at Dorky Mum where we spread a bit of blog love and showcase some of our favourite posts. *Cough* in a lovely, karmic, totally coincidental way, we've ALL found out this week that we're finalists in the MADS, so yet another reason to celebrate!  If you fancy giving us your vote I'm sure we'd all love you long time (apart from Ruth, she's up for 'most inspirational' and it's a non-voting category).

This week it's been my daughter's birthday.  So my little baby has turned five and the week has passed fuelled by cake and adrenalin-pumped party planning (it's today - eek).  But when I've had a moment, I've been checking out these celebratory blog posts.

First up is the ever lovely Mari from Maris World who tied the knot on Saturday.  She made the most stunning bride, so grab a virtual invite, pour yourself a glass of fizz and come and have a nose at her big day. Massive congratulations Marianne, I wish you lots of happiness for the future.

If that's got you in the mood for a knees-up then you'd best check out Capture from Lucy's post on the most amazing baby shower she hosted for her sister.  Not only does this girl blog beautifully, take the most gorgeous pictures, but she throws the most incredible themed bashes.

Another fabulous Lucy (am I in love with all Lucys?  You'd think so wouldn't you?) is Lulastic who is celebrating selling their house, and her wonderful womanly form about to bring forth another little person onto the planet.  Good luck lovely, I can't wait to hear all about the home birth.

Another favourite blogger of mine, also in my Kool and the Gang, is Lakota from Faith, Hope and Charity Shopping.  She's celebrating one of my favourite things - freebies!  So before you ransack your local newsagents, check out this low-down on all the best free gifts to snaffle with your magazines.  This was truly a post written for me - I am like a magazine crack-addict, spending a fortune every month on glossy pages featuring the life I'd love to have.

Clara from Clara Unravelled has had a pretty shitty time lately, but this week she has something to smile about.  Her house is becoming a home, and she now has a glorious kitchen that she and her family can enjoy.

This next one is not a blog at all, so it's a bit of a cheat.  If you haven't seen it doing the rounds on social media, then you really need to.  I first spotted it earlier in the week shared by Actually Mummy on Facebook.  If you're celebrating a birthday this year that begins with a '3' or a '4', then this will mean an awful lot to you.  If you are a whipper-snapper born in the 80s then move along, nothing to see here.  The first time I watched I cracked up with laughter from start to finish.  The second time, I smiled and nodded in recognition all the was through, but I had a slight feeling of melancholy.  For both the sad events that punctuated our childhood, and for the loss of innocence from that era.

  Never stabbed each other/just collected rubbers.  Says it all really.

I genuinely believe that witnessing the power of Live Aid during our youth, we have become a generation of activists and charity supporters.  Of course, today is Red Nose Day and they are also celebrating a huge milestone - their 25th anniversary.

The bloggersphere is full of people doing amazing things for Comic Relief - from climbing mountains to baking cakes, to riding bikes to having their hair chopped.  There's far too many to mention here, but you can check some of them out on Team Honk's fundraising page, and maybe give them a few quid.  The one post I really do want to mention in connection with this is Annie's post on Mammasaurus where she highlights the important work being done to tackle domestic abuse and support young victims.

Let's show some support to Red Nose Day, help change some lives for the better and give a few more people some reasons to celebrate.  x

Have you read any posts you'd like to celebrate? Leave me a link in the comment section below.


  1. Why thank you kind lady! I've still got so many photos to share from the shower! Launching my new site over the weekend so will hopefully start the week with a baby shower bang! xxx

  2. What ma arvellous diverse selection I will settle to have read later on . Great stuff liz

  3. Oh my that video is fab! Need a cuppa so I can check out those fab posts to x

  4. Thank you so much for including me and my special day and a very happy birthday to your little sweetheart - may you have a very happy year ahead xx

  5. Thanks for the mention - lovely post :)

  6. Thanks lovely - sorry if you've spent all your spare cash in WHSmiths!

    I loved that video too, wonder what will be included in the 30 years on version of now, when the noughties kids are bemoaning the change in the world?

  7. Lovely post and hope your little lady had a super bday! Xx
