
Monday 11 July 2011

Show me your Stationery - Hand Stamped Notelets

The gorgeous Molly over at Molly and the Princess has lured my to join in with her Show me your Stationery Saturday link-up again!

This Saturday I spent the day selling (or rather, trying to sell) at a local craft fayre.  The turn-out was pretty dire which was a great shame as there were lots of amazing crafters there.

So much to buy, but I was under strict instructions not to come home with more than I took, so I showed great restraint.  But I couldn't help buying these adorable little note cards made by Donna Kurlfinke (one of the organisers).

So simple, but beautifully effective.  I struggled to decide which design to chose, but these seemed to be the ones I'd get most use out of.  At £3 for a set of 5 who could resist?

You can purchase Donna's makes from her Etsy Store.

Pop over to Molly's blog to see more loveliness.

Molly and the Princess


  1. oh wow, they are beautiful - I would have bought ten sets at that price!
    Thanks so much for linking up - lovely to have you, as it were :) xx

  2. Oh yes they were really lovely.

    I had such a great time typing up luggage labels for my price tags (on my £2 typewriter!), and these have inspired me to make some of my own cards. I've never been much of a 'stamper' but I think I'll give it a go. x

  3. Lovely set. Are you posting about your stall? What were you selling?

  4. I look forward to hearing more about your craft stall experience. It is something I really want to give a go but I'd be doing it alone. Would that make for a long day?
    I love talking to people and can deal with rejection as long as they don't snear at my craftwork.

  5. They look lovely, really simple and elegant looking. I've been thinking about craft stalls, but will probably never actually get on with it. Good for you for having the motivation and the business sense! :O)

  6. Fabulous post and and the looking of these is really superb.
