
Monday 11 July 2011

Magpie Monday - On the Move

Things are pretty hectic in the Me & My Shadow household right now.

We have exchanged contracts on our house but unfortunately the house we are buying has been held back.  Very boring and complicated, not to mention frustrating, but the upshot is in about 20 days time we shall be homeless!!  Well, not quite as my lovely parents will be putting us up, but it has meant that all our possessions are going into storage.

For a person who likes their things around them, you cannot imagine how traumatic this is going to be.  We signed the lease on the storage unit yesterday, and put the first of many car-loads of boxes inside.

Add to this the fact that I spent all week preparing for my first ever Vintage & Craft Fayre stall on Saturday (more about that at a later date). I was hoping for some vintage loveliness to spend my pennies on, but it was sorely lacking.  Then, on Sunday, rather than strolling around a delightful car-boot sale which would have been my choice, I spent the day watching a group of over-weight, middle-aged men making fools of themselves at a football tournament (do boys ever grow up?).  All this means I have very little to show you this week.

So I thought I'd share this little gem I found a while back (before it too gets wrapped in bubble-wrap and condemned to the dark cold storage unit).

I bought this for £10 - a little on the steep side for a charity shop purchase for me admittedly.  It was 'in the cabinet', which always adds a certain frisson to a find!

I've tried to research it online, and have seen them variously described as scrimshaw solitaire sets, or faux scrimshaw.  To be honest, I hope it's not real - I don't really approve of whaling as you can imagine.

I adore the intricate detail on it. I also love the fact that it can sit on my coffee table and give the impression that I spend my free time doing improving pastimes and reflective games - rather than wasting hours on end watching drivel on the telly or talking drivel on Twitter, which is the reality.

I'd love you to grab the badge and link-up to share your second-hand finds. x

Me and My Shadow
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  1. Ugh, house buying stress, why is it never straight forward? You'll be in soon though and have a whale of a time rediscovering and rearranging all your things.

    The solitaire is pretty, I'm sure it's unlikely to really be whale related though. I find replacing the balls with maltesers makes the game more enjoyable...

  2. I love the detail too Liz. Good luck with the house move, hope it all gets sorted quickly x

  3. Good grief Lakota. You are a genius. Why did I never think of that?? Inspired idea.

    Thanks on the good luck wishes both - we're going to need them! x

  4. I love it very much. You are such a clever Magpie!
    Wishing you all the best with the house move - don't they say it is the biggest cause of stress. I think all that stress might mean you need more retail therapy soon

  5. Loving that solitaire even for a 10er I thin its worth it with all that work on it.
    Hope your house dramas all work out soon xx

  6. OMG ... I love that game .. used to spend hours at my grans playing that when I was little ... what a stunning one! I LOVE IT!!!

    Maria x

  7. Hehe I am also one to put big thick reference books on the coffee table, to give off the impression that I am truely an academic sort! A marble chessboard on a few occasions has made it to the coffee table too.. slight thing is I don't even know how to play! The pattern on your 'cough' reflective solitare game is beautiful though. Good luck with your house move. Bx12

  8. Have moved many times and no matter how often, there is always some new complication - and always a new adventure. Best wishes on the move.

  9. Wow, that's beautiful. Best of luck with the move and hope the house stuff gets sorted out soon - how stressful for you!

  10. Fantastic solitaire set, I remember spending far to many hours playing that. Like the malteasers idea more though Lakota! Good luck with the move, I know what thats like-when I moved to the other side of the world I had to pack my life into 23kg!

  11. OK, I have to ask, what is a Malteaser?
    I am not familiar with this game, although it is beautiful, but if I imagine the idea is to remove balls would I be far off if I thought you were referring to a chocolate ball?

    The stay at your mum's should not be bad if brief. I actually enjoy moving but maybe because it tends to be decades between and I am eager to redecorate.

  12. Thanks everyone.

    Dogsmom, yes, you've got the idea of the game (the coloured marble doesn't really belong - you start with a blank space, and hop over a marble then remove it until they are all gone). And yes, Malteasers are chocolate balls with honeycomb in the middle - marble size :0)

  13. Wow! A lovely malleable little ornament, or whatever the word is. Sorry to hear about all the moving trauma, it must be very unsettling for all concerned. I hope you get moved soon and back to normal, the sooner the better! You have my sympathy. it'll all be for the best though, soon you'll be in your lovely new home! x

  14. Just given you another plug over on the netmums blog club

  15. This is the first time I'm seeing a real solitaire set, I've played the one on the computer. Looks beautiful, $10 is still a thrifty find. Every time we move, we also had some sort of obstacles, hope yours will be solved real soon. Thanks for hosting!


  16. It's horrible putting your stuff in storage, but just think how much you'll enjoy taking it back out and making new pairings. I'm on an old find this week, there's been nothing around to inspire me, for once.

  17. Such an unusual the detail in the design! Thanks for the party!!!

  18. Maltesers were the first thing which came to mind! Great find.

  19. Ooh good luck with your move. Tedious and nerve wracking but worth it in the end.

  20. Love that Solitaire set, my grandparents had a wooden one that I remember playing with as a child, it's taken me right back. :)
