
Monday 20 April 2015

You know your partner's a runner when...

1. There's a whole closet drawer dedicated to Lycra.

2. You need to find room in the kitchen for the boat sized containers of recovery shake powder.

3. They take all the fun out of food by referring to it as 'fuel'.

4. The Strava app has a better idea of where your other half is at any given time than you do.

5. There's generally a pair of trainers dangling off the washing line being aired.

6. Underwear is now selected for how supportive it is, not how attractive it looks.

7. Nipple chaffing is now a real thing that can apparently be discussed in polite company.

8. Your lovely bubble baths are shoved out of the way in favour of Epsom Salts. 

9. Your bedroom always smells faintly of Ralgex.

10. Going out clothes and proper shoes are forsaken in the holiday luggage in favour of running kit.

11. You can no longer walk past a sports shop without having to go in for 'a quick look'.

12. The most expensive footwear they own is a pair of trainers.

13. PB & Jelly now means 'personal best and an energy gel'.

14. Their legs are considerably browner than most people considering it's only spring.

15. You realise that the only way you're ever going to get to see New York/Paris/Sydney is if they get a place on the marathon there.

16. You can't find your best wine glasses because your cupboard's full of sports bottles.

17. There's random safety pins all over the house from holding race numbers onto their Tshirts.

18. They have a total meltdown if they can't find their earphones.

19. You now know it's not just horses who can give off steam.

20. They wear plasters on their nipples.

21. You've gone right off pasta.

Despite all this, and everything I say, I'm hugely proud of mine as he runs his first full marathon, the London Marathon this weekend.  If you'd like to sponsor him you can find his Just Giving Page here - he's raising money for Oxfam.

Update... He did it, he did it!  3 hours 57 minutes and 54 seconds.  Not bad for an old man on his first marathon and he's raised over £800, so thank you all who donated.


  1. I miss running (hip bursitis put paid to that) but I never, repeat never wore plasters on my nipples! He is clearly way more dedicated (or sadistic) than me :-)

  2. Oh this makes me laugh! I have a friend in the States whose husband took part in a challenge to run a marathon on every continent. She agreed to let him do it as long as she got to travel with him. It was great therefore to meet up with her in London three years ago the day after the marathon for afternoon tea!

  3. I love this post and have shared with friends who understand your pain! Does he have special nipple plasters? do they have tassels?

    1. Thanks Mary! No, common-or-garden plasters, sometimes Dora the Explorer ones if that's all we happen to have in the first aid kit. I think you've spotted a gap in the market!

  4. I'm a newbie runner who keeps falling off the wagon (any excuse really) and I don't think I'll ever get this much into it! Luckily I have a hubby who also keeps falling off the fitness wagon, so we feel guilty together!

    1. I think I fell off the wagon and rolled all the way down the hill!

  5. No runners in this household but similar obsession with cycling by my brother who has just stayed with me in the south of france last week. Strava was his best friend, there was an awful lot of lycra around and we kept having to pop into bike shops! Good luck to your running-mad man!

    1. Oh yes, cyclists have the same odd habits! I suspect that's next for us, and them triathlons :/

  6. I love this Liz, funny funny funny. The only other place I've hear nipple chaffing used in polite conversation was the Barrows - at that wasn't a running conversation!

    1. Thanks Mammasaurus! Come on now, you've been known to partake of a bit of the running haven't you. I'm not even going to comment on the nipple-chaffing conversation that took place at the Barrows!

  7. This really made me giggle. Good luck this weekend Mr B.

  8. Harrr lol, I have just started running will be thinking of them now :)

    1. Hehe you can use it as a gauge to see how serious you're becoming!

  9. Good luck to him for the big race! Tis did made me laugh, while also considering my own post on living with a musician!

    1. Oh that would be a brilliant post! I suspect involving G-Strings!

  10. This is very funny! Well done to him and good luck for the marathon.

  11. Good look to the Husbeast and no my fella is not a runner

  12. I used to go out with a runner. Those conversations were mind numbing. But his body and stamina were great ;) X

  13. Great post Liz, really funny - I can only begin to imagine what it's like! Best of luck to hubs for the Marathon this weekend, fingers crossed for sunshine although not too warm obvs. He won't want any nip chaffing :)

  14. Good for him and best of luck on his marathon. I shall make sure mine sticks to long walks then lol x

  15. Oh Liz you do make me giggle

  16. Love this! I think my other half can relate 😂😂

  17. Love this post - My sister lives exactly this type of life! She has now given in and joined him - My nieces & nephews are joining in too. Hope they don't tell my kids!

  18. love this haha i cant ever imagine my husband ever running its hard enough him walking to shop

  19. i am so sorry i laughed all the way through this lol .. good luck to him and to you .. i think you need all the empathy coping with a runner . either that or bin liners for all the drinks bottles

  20. Haha, this made me laugh! We walk (Lots) and have a similar list but with walking boots instead of trainers x

  21. Ha ha - you said nipples way too many times in this post for me to not be sat here giggling ;-)

  22. Oh..well done to your hubby Lizzzie! My husband used to love biking a while back!

  23. Its good to have a passion for something especially if it keeps you fit.

  24. Good luck to the OH.Just started running myself but haven't had to result to nipple plasters yet.

  25. Hahaha! My daddy cycles and it is much the same. Except the nipple plasters (I think :/) x

  26. Whilst I don't run huge distances, I see myself in some of these point and I'm sure my husband would agree!! Good luck to your husband in the London Marathon this weekend.

  27. Ha my husband isnt a runner but likes swimming our airing cupboard is full of shorts and towells!

  28. No runners here (I get knackered running a bath ;) ) but the Mr certainly has a lot of sports bottles and trainers! x

  29. sounds like my 20 yo when he was training for the army
