
Monday 7 July 2014

Magpie Monday - Holiday Memories

Hello Magpies.  Apologies for my absence, life just seems to be getting in the way of blogging at the moment - how rude!  I was thinking of dropping Magpie Monday posts down to once a month, I've been hosting for several years now and I think I need to reignite my spark.  Feeling like I need to post every week is taking the edge of it some what.  What do you think?

Anyhow, I do have something I wanted to share with you today.  We've just been away for a glorious weekend camping.  On a brief escape from the country farm campsite into the nearest town to go swimming and escape the rain, I nipped into an Oxfam shop (obviously).

Isle of Wight by G E Mitton Beautiful Britain book series

This book, not only being so beautiful I was compelled to buy it, holds such wonderful memories of childhood holidays.  We went to the Isle of Wight many times as kids, and the magical names of Shanklin Chine; Blackgang; St Boniface Down and Freshwater still fill me with nostalgia.  The island has such an olde-worlde charm and innocence about it that you can't help but fall in love.

More recently we went together as our last real 'couple' holiday, and it was while staying in 'The Shack' at Cowes, I discovered I was expecting our baby  nearly 7 years ago. Maybe this year or next we'll take her back there to discover the place for herself.

So you see, the Isle of Wight really is a special place for me, and I'm going to enjoy a sunny afternoon in the garden pouring over the contents and pretty illustration plates in this book.

Isle of Wight by G E Mitton Beautiful Britain book series

The binoculars you see were also a charity shop purchase from some time ago. Maybe not the greatest technically, they came in a beautifully battered leather case and they've been on many a trip, country walk and picnic with us. We took them this weekend too in the hope of spotting fallow deer and woodpeckers in the woods.

I love the poetic neatness of finding the book whilst on a holiday which will hopefully remain in Ruby's memory as one of her most enjoyable childhood times.

Do you have any second-hand treasures to share?  Grab the badge and link up, and do let me know what you think of holding Magpie Monday once a month.



  1. What a fantastic find, a beautiful book! Cannot wait to read your camping post :) x

  2. Ooh that's a BEAUTIFUL book! I love creating memories for my children and you're right - it was too perfect to find that whilst away xx

  3. Love the book, I grew up on the Isle of Wight and it's a really magical place.

  4. What a find! On the frequency of Magpie Monday you must do what you feel is right - I'd rather see this monthly than not at all

  5. I always feel really inspired to go hunting in second hand shops when I read these posts, which I have never done, but I love the idea of picking up books to add to our collection

  6. Awww lovely finds. I've never been to the Isle of Wight, I must rectify that. x

  7. What a gorgeous find, we loved our recent trip to the Isle of Wight. I missed my linky this week but am feeling much the same - it feels like it has become a chore more than love. Good luck with your decision.

  8. That's a great find ;-)

    I haven't had as much time for blogging lately either and I felt very blah about it all but I took a bit of a step back and missed it so now I'm back, enjoying it as much as I used to x x

  9. Lovely find and lovely memories. I found out I was expecting too when I was on holiday - near Tintagel in Cornwall, so there is special to me too. Work is getting in the way of my blogging atm, so I know the feeling. A monthly Magpie Monday sounds perfect to me (and I actually bought some clothes in charity shops last weekend, so might just get a post written in time for your next MM ;)

  10. Ah I would ,miss you but am sporadic myself so know how tough it is xxx

  11. I need to get back to the Isle of Wight sometime soon, it's been way too long since I last visited. Also love those binoculars, I bet they have a few stories to tell

  12. My children have been to the Isle of Wight on school trips and have visited the places you mentioned. It really makes me want to go too! Thanks for the reminder.

  13. What a lovely book - and the cover is such a pretty shade of blue!

    PS I would find it much easier to join in with every Magpie Monday linky if it only happened once a month.
