
Wednesday 5 March 2014

Get Your Craft On for Easter

The fabulous #GetYourCraftOn challenge is now in it's 3rd month and it's my turn to host - yippee!

I can't wait to see all your fabulous creations.

So how does it work?

We're asking you to get creative around this month's theme which is ... drumroll please...

Chicks and Eggs!

Please share your photos - whether it's completed projects; work in progress; food; fabric; junk modelling - whatever.

Link up below and follow the #GetYourCraftOn hashtag on Instagram and social media.

We had so many amazing entries in last month's St Patrick's Day challenge, and you can see them all over on Kids Chaos blog, together with her pick of her favourites.

Make sure you're following all the team member's accounts on Instagram:

@incredibusy @redtedart @domesticgoddesq @bluebearwood &@missielizzie and do go and find some new friends through Instagram and their blogs.
Let's get cracking! You have until midnight on Friday 28th March to join, and then I'll be picking my favourites.

Wow!  Over 50 amazing chicken and egg related makes and bakes, all just perfect for Easter.

It was tough to pick out me favourites, but I've chosen Damson Lane's brilliant Hatching Chick - a great recycling craft; Powerful Mothering's glorious salt dough eggs because they were so vibrant and tactile looking; Let's Play Kids Music's super-cute chick puppets in a nest - because it's not just a craft but a song; Lucy's Madhouse's chick prints because of their wonderful simplicity; Mammasaurus' Creme Egg quiche because it made my mouth dribble a little bit and this wonderful Easter surprise chicken card by Hugo and Mathilda because this clever idea made me smile!

There are tonnes more amazing ideas below, do check them out for your Easter crafting inspiration.
Don't forget also to head over to Red Ted Art where the next #GetYourCraftOn challenge is now live.  Why not join in this month.


  1. SOOOO egg-cited indeed. LOVE this theme. Will be too cute to see what everyone makes!

  2. lol, I need to make some egg-stra time to #getmycrafton

  3. This has to be my favourite theme - I love Easter and Spring crafts and all the pastel colours :-)

  4. So many lovely things to look at! And I have to say, you've inspired me as I have NO egg crafts photographed, so I'll have to get busy before the end of March eh?!! #getyourcrafton

  5. Ooo I need to sit down and look through these ready for some half term inspiration!

  6. Loving all these cute things to do for Easter…must try a few out!

  7. Whoop! Have linked up an old post and I've just been and bought supplies for me and the boy to do some crafting tomorrow :D

  8. These are great. love them x

  9. So many eggs, so little time :)

  10. Thank you for pointing me to this linky Ali, I am looking forward to reading through all of the posts and hopefully pick up some tips :-)

  11. Such fantastic ideas linked up, thank you for hosting.

  12. Hooray! Thank you for choosing our hatching chick. We love him too x
