
Monday 16 September 2013

Magpie Monday - lovely hearts

Well, I seem to have done it again and bought items this week that fit a 'theme'.  How does that keep happening to me?  It's not like I set out specifically to buy something that's all matchy-matchy.

I spotted this heart shaped red wire bowl in my local charity shop a few days ago.  It goes perfectly with the colour scheme in our dining room, and it's sitting in there now filled with rosy red apples and nectarines.

Fruit is always out in our house and Ruby is encouraged to help herself to it whenever she wants, so it's always nice to find a way to make it look even more appealing.  Previously it's been held in a huge rustic wooden bowl on the dining table.

In karmic fashion, a day or two later I spotted this propped up in the window of another charity shop.  A beautiful wooden heart shaped cheese board.  It slides open to reveal some cheese knives, and for a family of cheese monsters, it's perfect!  I love the grain of the wood too.

So what second-hand treats have you found lately?  I'd love you to grab the badge and link up below.


  1. Oh my I love that board!I really must get my arse in gear and start joining in again.

  2. Numerous charity shops near me, but never find anything more than a couple of books, or nice items that my OH would kill me if I brought home ('more junk'). I did get a brilliant huge Fort Eagle Playmobil set from a selling site - was a bargain compared to the original price, and I knocked them down a bit, but still quite pricy.

    1. Wow the Playmobil set sounds amazing Emma x

  3. Oh I adore the bowl! DD is currently having a bedroom upgrade and red and hearts are part of her theme!

    1. Now that's a daughter's bedroom theme I can approve of. Fancy having a word with mine who wants a One Direction theme bedroom?! She's too young for pop starts posters *sobs*

  4. Love my old cutting boards! But the heart shaped one is beautiful.Linda

  5. Thanks Linda. I keep looking out for old wooden chopping boards to photograph my cakes on but no luck x

  6. Yum, those apples and nectarines look delicious! Love the sweet cheese board... also, best name ever for cheese-lovers! I'm officially calling myself a cheese monster from now on :)

  7. Ah me too - think we will have to post a DIY old wooden chopping board!!

  8. I <3 the hearts! Glad to be back posting with Magpie Mondays :)

  9. The cheese board's a real beauty! Love the concealed compartment, so neat! x

  10. I luurve that cheese board! It's the one thing that we don't have in our kitchen x

  11. I'm wowed by the nifty hidden knife set underneath the cheese board. Nifty! X

  12. Aww I love the cheese board! x

  13. oh my - how amazing is that cheese board! Great find xx
