
Wednesday 4 September 2013

Autumn - my favourite time of the year

Why do I love the autumn so much?  I’ve always loved it, even since I was a child jumping in piles of leaves at the park.

Keats famously described it as the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness. These final days of summer, shadows long in the evening sun. Fruit trees laden with ripened bounty, hedgerows dripping with jeweled berries.

My breath makes dragon smoke on those cold, crisp mornings.  A walk in the wood with its dappled sun and fallen leaves scrunching underfoot.  The rich colours of golds, burnt orange; vibrant reds and warm chestnut browns - nature's final dazzling display before winter draws in.

Shiny mahogany conkers and acorns squirreled into pockets.

Wrapping up warm.  Long socks; wellington boots and hand knitted scarves. Hunting for last year’s mittens.

An excuse to splash out on a new season garment like these cosy jumpers from Hobbs.

Indulging in comforting hot chocolate; rustic soup with warm crusty bread; homemade apple pie and cream.

Scrumping apples and climbing trees.  Gathering chestnuts from the forest floor.

Coming in from the cold with a red nose, rosy cheeks and tingling toes.

Lazy evenings in front of a real log fire, snuggled in front of the telly with the new season’s drama or learning a new craft.

A long soak in a bubble bath before bed.

The sense of calm and return to routine that back to school brings.  Taking five with a hot mug of coffee, sipped in the garden before tackling the day.  

What's your favourite season?  Are you a leaf kicker or a spring worshipper?

Disclosure: This is a featured post in association with Hobbs.  Please see my Disclosure Policy for more details.


  1. I am definitely a leaf kicker, I love it when they are all dry and gathering in piles near the walls. I love the crunching sound when you step on them and the squeals of delight when you kick a pile at your child :)

    1. I love that too. We make huge piles in the garden them jump into them.

  2. Love your choices, organge is such a great autumn colour, because it's an instant mood boost within all the rain and grey x

    1. Orange is one of my favourite colours but I only ever feel I can wear it in the Autumn,

  3. Those jumpers are gorgeous :) I'm very much an autumn person, love still having a bit of warmth before winter!

    1. They are lovely aren't they? I could cuddle right up in one.

  4. Something about those colours! And as an autumn person according to my colours, they are the colours I should be wearing, not the black that I live in. Might have to have a splurge on that cosy jumper!

  5. I love autumn too! the colour of the leaves tuning is just beautiful! I have a virgina creeper along the fence by the back door and I'm willing it to start turning!

  6. I luuurrve Autumn, it's by far my most favourite season. Love the crisps days, wolly jumpers and mugs of hot chocolate. Mmmm :-)

  7. Autumn is definitely my favourite season. Not too hot with just enough sunshine, but with a chill in the air that has a certain atmosphere. It always makes me want to get the crochet hooks out and work on something warm and comfy!

  8. I love Autumn too, although I prefer the fallen leaves when crispy than damp and slippy! x
