
Monday 22 July 2013

Magpie Monday - Skip Diving!

Welcome to another glorious week.  Have you been out and about to any great car boot sales this weekend?

We've had another week rammed with plans and activities so again haven't had much time for bargain-hunting.  However, I thought I'd show you these items that I rescued from the jaws of the crusher a little while ago.  They make me smile!

As seems to be the way nowadays, another village pub called time for the last time and shut up shop.  Maybe it's the recession, maybe it's because we've all become health-conscious and packed up boozing (yeah right), or maybe it's the fault of cheap supermarket alcohol but more and more pubs are closing down and being turned into Indian restaurants or houses.

Going past this latest victim, with it's guts being ripped out I spotted some rather interesting items in the skip.  Sadly no bottles of gin or barrels of beer remained, but we did get this huge wooden cupboard.  With a little adaption, it now sits happily in our garden shed.  The lockable catch makes it perfect for storing all the power tools, and it keeps the Old Man's shed nice and tidy so he's happy - what is it with boys and their sheds?

I also excitingly got all the lettering from the pub name!  Ha!  What to do with these 20 inch gold letters?  Perhaps I should have stuck them on the front of the house and started flogging off my home brew?

No, we've been making up words, and my favourite is this which oversees our vegetable patch at the bottom of the garden and ties in perfectly with the current obsession of labeling absolutely anything that doesn't move.

What pre-loved items have you found lately?  I'd love you to grab the badge and link up.


  1. Love it! Skip diving - never heard of that phrase!!!

  2. Love the letters they are fab

  3. Brilliant, I love the letters!

  4. I feel so awful seeing pubs shutting up shop everywhere - less Post Offices, little corner shops closing, fewer pubs - little hubs of country life are fast disappearing! :-(

    Silver lining however - your finds! At least they have a fantastic new home where they will be enjoyed!

    Jem xXx

  5. The letters look fab in their new home! There is never anything good in the skips near us, but I'll keep looking x

  6. Those letters look fab! Well done you on your great find x

  7. Of course I love those gold letters! Looks like an interesting font nonetheless!

  8. I love those letters! What a find! x

  9. I love seeing people celebrate a great find! xx

  10. Love the storage... Men and their sheds...LOL no doubt way more organised than their closet or desk.

  11. Fantastic finds! Especially the letters - brilliant - though I would like to see what other words you made up with them ;)

    1. P.S. I'll be back with you next week, have actually managed to make it into one secondhand shop in the last few weeks x

  12. I LOVE the letters, FAB. You are so clever. x

  13. Wow I love the letters! I'm off to find me a closing down pub and a skip!!
