
Monday 15 July 2013

Magpie Monday - My new favourite top

These past few weeks I've been struggling to find things to post about.  Not because I've suddenly abandoned pre-loved and fallen for the lure of the High Street - fear not, that will never happen.  But it's just been too hot for mooching around town so my charity shop visits have dwindled.  Yes, the summer months means regular car boot sales, but it also means full-on super-busy calender so we simply haven't had the time to pick up any bargains.

So, I thought I'd share with you a purchase from a month or so ago which has quickly become my new favourite garment.  When others were fretting for months about what to wear to blogging conferences, I wore this top to Cybher that I'd bought a couple of days previously in a chazza for £3.99.  And do you know what, SO many people complimented me on it.

It's a Red Herring top, long in the body so prefect to wear over skinny jeans or leggings, or maybe thick tights in the Autumn.  I love the folksy floral pattern and the jade and purple colours.  But most of all, I love the sleeves.  Ruby calls them wings, and I think she has a point!

I even wore it to collect my Bafta*

Do you find the summer months more or less fruitful for second-hand shopping?  Are you out every Sunday stomping round fields rummaging in people's car boots, or are you too busy doing other stuff?

I'd love you to grab the badge and link up your finds so I can get my buzz.

*That may be a lie.


  1. What a gorgeous top! Looks like coloured elderflowers or cow parsley. How on 'nature/foraging' trend ;)

    1. Ahh yes, that's what it reminds me of too. I'll blend in when I'm rummaging in the hedgerows! x

  2. that top looks really really lovely!

    1. Ahh thank you Maria, I love wearing it it's all floaty and lovely!

  3. Oh I love being first and what a mighty fine top your wearing Missie Lizzie B!

  4. Boo I was actually second!

  5. Whit woo! I know what you mean, birthday season here so I've hardly had any time for bargain hunting!!!

    1. Full schedules are fun, but exhausting huh?

  6. Yes, same here... it's far too hot for charity shopping and E's nap seems to coincide with early car boots.

    Lovely top and well done on your Bafta :P

    1. Hehe thank you. Yes much too hot for traipsing around town :0(

  7. Not been on here for ages but decided to add my tuppence worth this week. I love the top and offer my congratulations on your award.

    1. Oooh welcome back Glenda, always lovely to have you x

  8. I havent been doing much bargain hunting recently either. I've been having a major de-clutter and have limited my trips to the charity shops, but I'm back on it again now my shelves look bare, lol. Love the top, it really suits you x

    1. De-clutter- re-fill/de-clutter- re-fill It's an endless circle isn't it? x

  9. I love your top, especially the sleeves! I really enjoy my early Sunday morning, solitary carbooting- even more so during the Summer when the outdoor ones are on.

    1. You see this is the one and only reason I wish I could drive!

  10. Pretty top!
    Now the weather has finally gotten hot you might find more chazzing bargains. We've been struggling to shift stuff until now in our shop and we can't put new stuff out unless there's space!
    I'm mad about boot sales so summer is the best time for me!

    1. Is your shop in Hitchin Emma? I must come and check it out x

  11. That's a lovely top, what a great find and congrats on your award. I've taken a break from charity shopping for a while in a vain attempt to save some pennies, we'll see how long that lasts x

  12. Great find and nice choice to wear to a blogging conference. Looks stylish and comfy too! I think my op shopping and thrifting is pretty consistent through the year. I don't visit the shops every week, and when I go, I usually have a list/purpose. Now whether I keep to the list, well, that's another story entirely! :)

  13. That top is so pretty, I love the unusual sleeves. Got myself a quick chazza bargain last week but otherwise haven't looked for weeks. Congrats on your 'bafta'

  14. that's a nice laid-back thrifty top! love the colours in that print.
    the summers here are good for thrifting as usual, but there's a week or two when everywhere the stock is quite picked through. but after the jazz week finished, and the tourists are gone it's back to normal :)

  15. That top really suits you - you looked great at Cybher!

  16. Absolutely gorgeous Liz - and the top
