
Tuesday 16 July 2013

Clever summer post-baby tummy disguises

Five years on and I'm still carrying the post pregnancy tummy wobble, I don't think it will ever go!

With a combination of too many naughty treats, a very sedentary day as a work-at-home mum and that annoying c-section hangover, I'm beginning to get a little self conscious about my growing spare tyre.  It's not helped of course, by the growing pressure in the media for women to snap back into shape practically before they've left the maternity ward.  You just wait and see what they say about the Duchess of Cambridge...

I have no intention of taking drastic measures like starving myself, going under the knife or signing up to a personal trainer.  I am making sensible changes, building in a daily half-hour walk after the school run and swapping my addiction to crisps for healthy homemade fruit and vegetable juices.

Meanwhile, canny clothing manufacturers have come up with technological fashion wonders, which help to hide your bulge and have introduced some great new features into some summer wardrobe staples.  This Cotton Traders swim suit features a bold leaf print designed to draw the eye away from the midriff and features a secret tummy control panel.

Cotton Traders Swimwear - reduced currently only £16

For daytime, there's this equally clever jersey dress from Cotton Traders in either lavender or royal blue.  It too features a special slimming panel for a perfect silhouette, and the fabric is designed to hold you in without restricting the gentle drape of the dress.

Tummy control dress now £32
Every wardrobe needs a good pair of jeans (or two!) and these pretty patterned jeans are right on trend.  They are made from clever fabric designed to hold tummy in and bottom up, without the need for any panels.  They look just like regular jeans, so nobody will know you're getting a bit of extra help.

Control jeans - £30
So what do you think of my selection?  What are your tips for beating the baby bulge - or disguising it!  Or does it not bother you?

Disclosure: This is a featured post.


  1. Oh I love the look of the swim suit! And your mum tum is not a patch on mine! - Clearly I need to follow all your tips on how to conceal it! ;) x

  2. oooh I like the swimsuit too. x

    1. It's pretty isn't it? I like the cut of it too.

  3. I like the swimsuit, I could do with one of those. Mich

  4. I love the swimsuit, and the jeans too. I'm like you - pretty resigned to a wobbly tummy and gradually learning how to dress to hide it. Never had the perfect body before kids anyway.

    1. I love the jeans, such a pretty pattern.
