
Tuesday 8 January 2013

Magical Christmas

Right now, its cold and grey.  We're at the beginning of January, Ruby's just returned to school today and I'm feeling a bit 'meh'.  A friend said to me "there's not a lot you can do about January, you've just got to get your head down and power through it".  I guess she's right.

Trouble is, we had such a wonderful Christmas break, that now it's all over, I'm feeling a bit blue.

The Old Man was off work for the entire school holiday and it was great to be able to spend time together and the extended break meant we could fit in everything we wanted without rushing around like headless chickens as we do most weekends.

We caught up with friends - some of whom only visit down south once a year; spent time with family; partied; ate til we nearly burst and there were at least three occasions where I think I vowed I'd NEVER drink again.

Ruby got to see all her cousins, on both sides of the family, and she's never happier than when she's crashing about with them.  She spent time with grandparents and great-grandparents, aunties and uncles, and Christmas truly was a family occasion.

Some of our magical moments included reading her a special book which arrived on Christmas Eve. I read it to her that night as I tucked our excited little bundle into bed.  She was absolutely in awe of the tale of Santa Claus and how she helped him deliver presents all over the world one special year.  She was literally open-mouthed in astonishment every time I read her name or address or her friends name.

So personal is it I've had to blank out our details here!
I think this is going to become a Christmas Eve tradition as I loved reading it to her and as she grows and develops her skills, she'll be able to read it herself.  I know it's too late for Christmas stories now, but do take a look at the personalised children's books, they make very special gifts for birthdays or other special occasions.

We snuggled on the sofa or all clambered into bed on other nights with huge bowls of popcorn and DVDs.  Our family favourite was The Polar Express [2004] [DVD] which I think we ended up watching four times over the holidays.

The Polar Express by Warner Bros 

I wasn't sure Ruby would like the computer generated animation to begin with, and I have to be honest I found it a bit spooky to start with, but you soon got caught up in the tale of the magic of Christmas, and again I think this is one to come back to year after year - especially as she begins to doubt the existence of the big white bearded fella...

With walks in the woods, trips to the pictures and a day out at Thomas Land, it was truly an action-packed time.  We've started some new traditions and got back to what's really important - friends and family.

After that whirlwind I guess it's not surprising I'm on a bit of a come-down.  So cheer me up - tell me about your magical Christmas moments...

Disclosure: The products mentioned were sent to me at no charge.  All views expressed are my own.


  1. Awww glad you had a fabulous Christmas xx

  2. Ahh it sounds like you had a lovely Christmas! I must admit that as a childless couple with both of us working full-time we usually rejoice in Christmas simply to mean time off work, hooray! This year however we had hubby's brother and sister-in-law staying with us from 23rd through 25th with their children, so it was nice to cook lots, drinks lots and have 2 exciteable little ones waking us up super early on Christmas Day x

    1. Ahh Christmas with kids around is a totally different ball game isn't it?

      Glad you had a lovely time, how long were you off work? x

  3. The Polar Express only four times? I consider you an amateur! Shame it's over, where abouts down south are you? :)

    1. Ahh yes indeed only a beginner! Although we did also see it (short exerpt) in 4D at Thomas Land! Hopefully we'll be watching it for many more years to come x

  4. Typist had one of those books growing up, she can still remember the story now (and she is getting old!!! 189 in dog years - if her maths is right!) Sounds like you had a fab Christmas

  5. Aww what a gorgeous sounding Christmas xx

  6. Good to hear that you had a special Christmas - I'm looking forward to a nice hot summer now! Well a girl can dream... ;)

  7. Now I can see why you were feeling a little bit 'meh'! Sounds like you had a really special Christmas. Polar Express is a firm favourite of ours too. Since purchasing it about 6 years ago, I've lost count of the number of times we've watched it!
