
Monday 28 January 2013

Fancy Dressing Up For World Book Day?

Thursday the 7th of March 2013 marks one of the most magical days of the year; World Book Day. No matter what your age, you should go ahead and put all your efforts into celebrating this wondrous day.

One of the most important raison d’etres of the festival is to get children interested in literature. Children can learn a lot from reading as studies show that children who are involved in reading from a young age are more likely to be interested in books in later life and thrive academically.

As a parent you should not leave learning to read just to schools, children take a lot of what their parents do into account and if you show an active interest in books, they are more than likely to follow.

If your children, like most, are active, playful and have a short attention span, it can seem like quite a tall task to get them to sit in the same place for a long period of time and keep them fixated on just one thing.

 The World Book Day website has loads of handy hints and tips to help you make the most of the day and really make the effort to get your child interested. The most important point is to spark your child’s imagination and work with a story they already love.

If you want to go the extra mile, why not have a little party celebrating the characters from your child’s favourite book. Classic costume ideas include Max from “Where the Wild Things Are”, any Dr Seuss character from “Sam I Am” to the “Cat in the Hat” and fairy-tale princesses from Rapunzel to Sleeping Beauty.

Fancy Dress Ball has World Book Day costumes for kids, so you can order them online and relax on a day that should be reserved for the bond built between a parent and their child over classic children's literature.

Disclosure: This is a featured post from Fancy Dress Ball.  You can read my full policy here.


  1. What a great idea! My little man will probably insist on dressing up as his fave character, cat Findus. :)

  2. Oooh very exciting! That came around quick! Will have to make a few hints to Bean to see what he wants to be and do. Probably Meg from Meg and Mog knowing him! Fab post :)

    1. Thank you!

      I wonder what my DD will want to be?

  3. Aw I LOVE MAX and I have a wild thing in the form of a 4yo, perfect!

  4. WOW I want to be Max from Max and the wild things did you think I'll carry it off


  5. We never did anything like this in school. Sounds so much fun. I loved so many books that I can't even decide who I would have dressed up as x

  6. Maybe not the best decision to read this post with my daughter! She spotted the Princess costume image a within seconds! I wouldn't be able to decide who to dress up as, but it would be a great idea!x

  7. Our school never engage in dressing up for World Book Day which is really sad! We love dressing up :-)

  8. Oh I love and hate world book day. Every year it stresses me out, thank goodness so far it's all worked out. Never bought a costume yet, maybe thats the only stress free way to go!

  9. World book day is the best time for us. It's hard enough getting the kids to read but their school does a great job of getting them involved. It's been Harry Potter costumes for the last few years but we might try for a change this time around.

  10. Wonderful thought. Thanks for sharing it.
