
Monday 25 June 2012

Magpie Monday - Pinterest Purchases

After two fabulous holidays and an awesome weekend away at Britmums Live, I'm back in the shires - I knew this to be true after visiting the village pub yesterday to find a horse and his rider enjoying a drink in the beer garden.

I'd like to say a huge thank you to Lulastic Blog for minding the Magpie baby while I was away.

At the Britmums Live conference I attended a really useful session on Pinterest, which has spurred me on to re-organise my boards and spend (even) more time over there. Please do come find me over there if you hang out in the beautiful place too, and leave your Pinterest name in the comments so I can give you a follow too.

Rather than leaving my pins gathering dust, I have been scooping up potential craft materials and doer-uppers as I unearth them in charity shops. Here's a few recent ones, along with the pins which made me look at them with new eyes!

When I spotted this pin, I just knew I wanted to spell out a word and display on my downstairs shower room wall. I picked up these rackets at various charity shops for between 20p and £1. Looking forward to this project!

I loved this idea of re-purposing an old board game (who doesn't have games with pieces missing?) and you can always pick up these at car boot sales. I got this chequers set for £1 from a charity shop, and the chequers will come in useful for some other crafty project...hopefully!

Finally, I was holding up this cute little sunny yellow sou'wester the other day in my local hospice shop, wondering if Ruby would fit in it. The Manager passed me and noticed the stain on the pocket and said I could have it for free rather than her put it in the rag-bag. Don't you think it will make a great little washbag, especially if I can re-use one of the pockets on the front?

So what have you rescued from obscurity recently? If you've got something you've picked up second-hand I'd love you to grab the badge and join in.

Grab my button and link back to this post
Me and My Shadow


  1. OH NOOOOO Don't get me started again on Pinterest ! Spend far too much time over there as it is.

    Love the ideas you have found though. Look forward to seeing what you do.

    1. Thanks Karen!

      I know, there's not enough hours in the day are there! x

  2. What a brilliant idea with the reusing of items and finding the ideas in a new place. Will follow you on pininterest shortly...

    1. Thanks Samantha - look forward to following you back x

  3. The mac into a washbag will look brilliant I'm sure! :-)

    Jem xXx

    1. Thanks Jem, I hope so. It didn't fit little 'un in the end, so looks like I will get to turn it into something else!

  4. Oh I have sadly neglected my Pinterest boards (along with most other things I'm afraid) but I could do with some inspiration like this - great projects!

    1. To be fair Kat, you have a pretty good excuse! xx

  5. Oops have appeared to have linked up twice (ignore second one - am sooo knackered at the moment I can't cope with simple technology it seems) x

  6. Pinterest is my crafty inspiration although I seriously need to have a sort out of my boards and also make a board for all the project from there that have come to fruition. We have so many pins the same honey. I have a scrabble board in the loft awaiting box making attention, so much to do, so little time to do it. Roll on next Jan when my LO starts nursery!

    1. What have I said? Seperated at birth you and me!

  7. I've never looked on Pinterest - I daren't as I already have too many projects on the go! Love the ideas you've found though.

    1. That is the problem with it, but I love it!

  8. Yowsers: you've got some great projects coming up. *waits impatiently*

    1. So much on at the moment though, it may be a little while! x

  9. That's a cool idea, Pinterest finds! Mind you, if I tried to find all the things I love on there my house would be overflowing!

    1. Haha! Erm... yeah, my house is overflowing. Oops! x

  10. I haven't tried Pinterest yet - worried I'll spend even more time glued to my laptop. Love your ideas though. I have some old, incomplete board games that I'd really like to put to good use, and your washbag project is so clever x

    1. It is a time-sucker to be sure!

      The board game treasure box is one I've been meaning to do for ages x

  11. Liz, sorry, something seems to have gone wrong with my link. Should I try again?

    1. Seems fine now, and I've deleted the broken link one, thanks x

    2. V embarrassed, didn't put link in properly. Have done it again - would it be possible to delete first non-working one? So sorry x

  12. I love Pinterest, but I have to be careful or I could spend HOURS using it! :)

  13. GreAt ideas, especially love rackets...dread to think what ChrisTeaand Cakes word would be ;)

    1. Haha! Well I'm putting them in the dowstairs loo...'shit' or maybe 'crap'.

      No I wouldn't dare!

  14. Love those crafty ideas - my head is full of things I want to have a go at, wish there were a few more hours in the day

  15. Ohhh, I love! I saw those rackets myself - definitely could have a place on my little guys bedroom wall...So funny you did a pinterest post for todays MM, I hadn't seen that and had mentioned it myself!

    1. Just read your post - great minds! Pinterest is soooo great isn't it.

      Need to find some free time to crack on with the rackets. x

  16. This is a great idea. I love repurposing things- it's pretty much what my whole blog is about so i'm so keen to follow you!
