
Sunday 10 June 2012

A forager in the making?

So, yesterday we were supposed to be shopping for clothes for our hols, but I couldn't resist popping into the bookshop.  I came out with an armful of shiny new books including a host of new foraging books which I'm devouring.

I also picked up this little book for Ruby.  I thought it would be fun to take on our walks.  There's a point scoring system depending on the rarity of the flowers you spot.

As soon as we got home, we dumped off our bags, pulled on our wellies and hit the woods.  The book is simple for even young children to use - the pages are divided by the colours of the flowers and colour coded at the top of each page.  She wasted no time.

Hmmm what's this I spy?

Let me just refer to my little book...

Is it? Could it be?

We had a great time.  Ruby spotting the flowers, then she'd flick through the book and try to match it to a picture.  I'd then read out the description, characteristics and habitat and together we'd decide if this was the right identification.

Amongst others, we found and identified poppies; cow parsley; herb robert; dog rose; daisies and wild garlic.

She did get a little frustrated when flowers she found weren't in the book - maybe we need a more comprehensive one already!  Instead we took photos and agreed to look them up at home.

This one was on the edge of the woodland. Very beautiful - any ideas?

Or this? Looks like broom but on a very short plant

Of course, there was time for some obligatory wood balancing...

Then onto the serious business of collecting elderflowers for our cordial.

This was a great trip out.  Not only did we come home with a basket laden with edible goodies, but I feel Ruby was much more in tune with her surroundings and having the book helped to open her eyes to beauty she would otherwise have missed.

She loves to come foraging, so hopefully teaching her how to identify some wild flowers will be a good step to her learning the ropes!

Linking up with Country Kids over at Coombe Mill.

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall


  1. My eldest loves those I-Spy books, we got one for Edinburgh when we were there and it helped us find loads of interesting little things to look at which weren't in the guide book and we'd otherwise have walked right past. They do a good one for car journeys too.

    Is the yellow flower some kind of orchid maybe?

    1. Oh I'll have to seek out the car journey one!!

      Hmm, I thought maybe and orchid. It's a bit snap-dragonny, like a toadflax but without the to Google! x

    2. Update! I think it's a Yellow Archangel ?

    3. Oh yes, looks like it. Pretty name.

      I actually found two of the original I-Spy books today, In the Woods and By the Seaside from 1976. Not written in and 20p each. Of course they are line drawings not photos, and I'm not sure we're ever likely to come across a polecat!

  2. A lovely post, the books remind me of a simplified version of the Observer books I had growing up. I would spend hours with the wild flowers one and butterflies. Not sure it helped me though as I have no idea what those lovely yellow flowers you found are. I love Ruby's face in the pictures, she is so enthusiastic in every one. Thank you for joining me on Country Kids.

  3. Ruby, looks a perfect intrepid explorer! I had a childhood a bit like that, and wish I could be transported back there right now. Oh to be little again :)

  4. Aw this looks so much fun!I used to adore those I Spy books - we passed many a long journey and many a holiday with those books. Ruby is just so cute!

  5. Such a great idea! - might make mine last a little longer on a walk, and I know the point-scoring system would go down well :)
