
Monday 21 May 2012

Magpie Monday - A Magpie's Haul

Thankfully this week was much better in terms of thrifting opportunities.  I had several hours of browsing charity shops in the week, and dragged my disgruntled family round the boot sale on Sunday in the freezing cold.

The fact that it was bitterly cold meant there were lots of bargains to be had - the sellers were desperate to pack up and go home, so seemed to be taking any offers.

When I spotted this laid out on a table, it was literally calling my name!

Yeah sorry, I haven't ironed it yet!  It's a skirt with this gorgeous magpie and blossom embroidery on the front.

At least, I think they're meant to be magpies.  I'm not sure the designer is much of an ornithologist.  It's by Dee V - that's the failed talent show gal Diane Vickers to you and me.  Who knew that's what happens to these people after their 15 minutes of fame - they get their own clothing label with a catalogue clothing company?!!  Still, I'm more than happy with my £2 skirt.

At the same boot sale I spotted this pretty little clock and haggled the girl down to £1.50.

It's a modern, battery operated clock, but it has a lovely vintage feel to it.  I had a tough time convincing the Other Half that it's not an alarm clock, it's just made to look that way.  Why was that so difficult to understand??

And the final thing I'm going to share with you this week is this gorgeous little pair of vintage opera glasses.

I got them for the princely sum of £2 because the bone/bakelite/plastic is very cracked.  These are a 'put it on a high shelf' item.  To explain, this has become my catchphrase to describe anything that's damaged after I once used it in an Ebay listing description.  Whatever works!

Hope you've had a good week bargain-hunting.  I'd love you to grab the badge and share your second-hand finds.

Me and My Shadow
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  1. Hello - perfect find! Maybe she has found her niche as a designer, she was an OK singer but so difficult to understand - did you ever see that YouTube video which 'translated' her hit song? I'll see if I can find it in a minute!

    My stuff is here

  2. Mine is here

    Couldn't join in last week because I was away from home to go to a two day meeting. But I managed to sneak out of the meeting and nip into a charity shop :)

  3. What a lovely set of finds. I do like the skirt with its lovely design on it.

    My find this week is a Jewellery Box

  4. "High shelf item"- brilliant.
    That is bonkers about DV- it does worry me that being on tv for three seconds is a better qualifier for things than a 4 year art degree/ natural passion/ years in the industry.
    *pah grumble mumble codswollop*
    My things are here, AND, I'm announcing the charity shop blog hop, woooooo:

    1. A degree? Experience? Talent and ability? Hahaha you crazy lady. What you need is to either a) get yourself on a talent show or b)marry a footballer.

  5. I'm having trouble with blogger actually, I'm trying to edit my post to link back to Magpie Monday but it's not letting me scroll down to the bottom of the page! Sorry! Will link back when it's behaving.

    Here's Diana Vickers

  6. Love the skirt, so pretty!

  7. oh I love all your goodies! I don't think I can pick a favourite.
    I haven't got any magpie finds this week (still recovering from the cost of the Indian spoon last week!)
    Maria x

  8. Had no idea that's what DV's been up to! Great skirt - love all your things, especially the 'put it on a high shelf' item - such a fab description! I've got lots of stuff that would qualify x

  9. Love the skirt, really pretty. This is my first Magpie Monday so please be gentle ;)

  10. Loving that clock and the spying on neighbours er I mean opera glasses, nice finds lady! Finally got my arse into gear this week to post! x

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Perfect find for you and it looks gorgeous too. Love the clock and the opera glasses. I have only linked one (not very well photographed) item today. Sorreeeee xxx

  13. I love all of your treasures, but that skirt is delightful!

  14. I love the skirt it is so you xxx

  15. Replies
    1. OH reckons it's tick is too loud! *sigh*

  16. Such sweet opera glasses - love them.❤

  17. The skirts perfect for you ;)
    Must do a quick linkup of some goodies i've got over the last couple of weeks off ebay as the charity shop isn't coming up trumps with any goodies lately :(

  18. I'm another on the envy list with the skirt, it's perfect! I'm finally back in the magpie zone this week, and I'm already planning next week's. (Don't worry, I won't be efficient for long)

  19. Great finds this week! Sweet magpie skirt, love the colours :)

  20. Great haul. I love the vintage opera glasses and for only 2 pounds thats definately a bargain. I have linked up to your post.

  21. Lovely things as always Liz. I love that skirt, though not the ironing! Glad to link in at last, hope it was OK to combine my posts. Will be back again!

  22. Love that clock! I have a mini collection going...they're so hard to pass up since they look so good even if they're not working!
