
Monday 20 February 2012

Magpie Monday - Scarf Laughs

This might seem like an uneventful find, but let me tell you if you have young kids you'd be hard pressed to find a greater value for money buy than coloured scarves.  You know the kind, the silk or polyester chiffon old lady headscarves. Especially if you're lucky like me and pick up a handful of brightly coloured ones for 10p each from a jumble!

When Ruby was a baby, she loved playing with these.  They are perfect for peek-a-boo games, for exploring textures and colours and early learning of colour mixing.

"No Paps"

Now she's older, she loves to use them as dress up, draping them or tying them round herself to make elaborate dresses and skirts.

She uses them to tuck her teddies up in little make-shift beds; gathers toys up in them and uses as carriers and hammocks.  They are beautiful tied up in front of open windows gently billowing in the breeze.

But most of all, she loves to dance with them.

Swirling; twirling and whirling. Watching the shapes they make as she moves them to the music.

A perfect tool for helping activity and expression.

*Cough* Sometimes Mummy joins in too.

Butt-covering disclaimer: Do not leave young children unsupervised with scarves.

So, what second-hand goodies do you want to show off? Grab the badge and join in. I'm off for a little dance of the seven veils.

Me and My Shadow
Grab my button
and link to my blog


  1. Aah I remember happy days playing belly dancers or Indian princesses or some such with scarves, plus I was always draped with them in the mid 90s. We tend to be pirates with my collection.

    1. I only wear them when I'm pretending to be a 1930's housewife.

      Love the belly dancer and Indian princesses ideas, we'll try those!

  2. Aw! She's gorgeous! Look at that smile. She's making me broody for a little girl.

    Madison xxx

    1. Ahh thanks lovely. I'd like to take all the credit, but I can only claim 50%. x

  3. Great photos! I also like the fact that you join in with the fun.

    If I ever meet you in person I'll tell you a funny story about scarves ;-)

    1. Not sure what the postman makes of it!

      You've got me intrigued with that story now... :0)

    2. It's slightly risque _and_ involves the use of a silly voice - so better told than written ;-) Maybe I'll do an audioboo?

  4. I just found your blog last night, and I'm looking forward to browsing past posts. Thanks for the linky party!

    1. Hi Sharon, thanks for joining and nice to meet you :0)

  5. I used to love twirling scarves around as a kid, I used to pretend I was doing rhythmic gymnastics. At least it's not the dance of the seven veils!!! xx

    1. Haha yes, I still sometimes do that with my ribbon collection *cough*

  6. Oh R really is adorable...great idea for the dress up box, we have odd bits of material to in ours. The scarfs are lovely :)
    I used to wear an underskirt on my head, and pretend to be a Nun...that's a whole different kind of make believe tho ;)

    1. Ahh thanks.

      LOL at the nun. I have a pic of me dressed as a nun somewhere, don't look too holy but it was good for hailing taxis :0)

  7. Ruby's beautiful! Such fun for such a small amount of money. I used to love dressing up when I was little. My Mum had chiffon scarves - but it was the days of wearing them around your head. When I look at photos of her in her 30s she looks older than she does now in her 70s!

    1. Aww thanks.

      Love chiffon scarves, they're so much fun. I might even occasionally get to wear one too!

  8. Fab, little one is adorable. As is usually the case it doesn't cost much to allow children to use their own imagination.
    Sadly not joining in this week, been busy doing grown up paperwork type stuff : ( boooo xx

    1. Thanks Karen.

      Boo to grown-up work though :0(

  9. Great bargain! I have a huge collection of scarves many from the charity show. I use them to wrap gifts as well as wearing them.

  10. Ahh wrapping gifts in them is a great idea. I saw Lush charging a premium for this at Christmas!

  11. Kids love to play dress up....the scarves are a great idea!!! Thanks for hosting the party!

  12. Lovely post and wonderful pictures too. So simple and yet so much fun too. You do know you won't be covering that butt if you stick with me and our secret plan!?
    Have lots of magpie finds to share but such a busy day so may post it tomorrow and yes, I know I am a very naughty girl.

    1. Oh God. You clearly didn't read my post on my bumpy butt! :-0

  13. You really are full of fantastic ideas, aren't you! The charity shops round here always have loads of scarves going for cheaps. And you're right. Children love playing with them. What a good idea. I may grab some! x

    1. Ahh. You must promise to dance too! Promise?

  14. Ruby is growing more beautiful by the second. I want you to see you dance the seven veils Missie Lizzie Salome (swoon).

  15. Ah what a lovely idea! Will have to look out for some to share with Flo.
