
Monday 13 February 2012

Magpie Monday - The cat in the hat

With temperatures reportedly as low as -15 degrees during the night and hovering around -5 during the day this past week, my Magpie Monday find was a welcome and timely one.

I was somewhat goaded into the purchase by a bunch of pensioners haranguing me in the Salvation Army shop telling me how stylish it looked - I really don't know why I let them talk me into it, I should have more confidence in my own decision-making.

Once I got it home, I wasn't sure if it made me look like a deranged Russian Hooker, or like I was wearing Blofeld's cat on my head, but once the snow came I really didn't care.

Toasty warm, pure sheepskin, I can stroke it reassuringly when I'm not wearing it. Maybe even offer it a bowl of milk.

When I went to collect Ruby from nursery wearing it, all the kids turned to look - it seems she'd told everyone that 'my Mummy's got a mad hat'.  Huh. What do they know, they wear Upsy-Daisy T-Shirts for cripes sake.

Anyway, while I'm here I just wanted to say that it's Magpie Monday's 1st birthday.  It all started with this post, and I wanted to thank you all for your support, for joining in and for spreading the word about buying second-hand.  I wonder if Magpie Monday has converted anyone?

Join me in celebrating this first anniversary by grabbing the badge and linking up x

Me and My Shadow
Grab my button
and link to my blog


  1. Happy Birthday Magpie Monday! It hasn't converted me, but it has definitely strengthened my enthusiasm :-)

    Lovely hat too!


    1. Ahh thanks Ruth, and thanks for joining in as much as you do x

  2. With the weather we've had lately a hat like that is going to come in very handy.
    Happy birthday for a year of magpie monday :-)

  3. Oh my days, that hat is completely blinking brilliant. You look totes glam and not a dash insane / soviet/ sex workery. (l'm sure you could find some mag explaining how deranged Russian hooker is is a big look right now anyway ;)

    1. Thank you dahlink that's totally reassuring. :0) x

  4. Congratulations on the birthday! The hat looks very warm.

  5. oh you look fab ! Two things that seriously do not suit me are hats and red lipstick ! You on the other hand can really pull it off.

    Congratulations on the 1 year anniversary. Has it really been a whole year !

    Hugs xxxxxx

    1. Thanks lovely - not sure I can pull it off either!

      Thanks for supporting Magpie Monday for a whole year x

  6. Happy 1st Birthday! The hat looks amazing, I love it!

  7. Happy Birthday Magpie Monday ! You look absolutely fantastic in the hat - very glam.

  8. Hi there! It's been a while...I haven't participated in linky parties in a while, glad to be back and happy to see you are still doing this! :-)

  9. Happy Birthday Magpie Monday! Loving that hat and the red lippy, uber seductive for Valentines day, you just need a fur coat and some silk undies and your man's Valentine's gift will be complete! xx

    Oh, I've linked up twice this week as lots of Magpiers were curious to see what happened to the Lloyd Loomesque bedside cabinet, hope that's ok! x

    1. Thanks Chris, course it's ok x

      Not sure about the first part of your comment though - these days it's thermal long johns!

  10. Magpie Monday, Happy Birthday, and thanks for the party each week.

    1. Thanks Paulette, and you're very welcome. Thanks for joining in x

  11. Happy birthday Magpie Monday! M

    That hat is great, mainly because toddlers can't reach you up there. I find I am positively deluged by small children whenever I wear my fake fur coat in the playground, it's like some kind of cat-nip and they all race over and stroke their faces (and snotty noses) against it!

    1. Haha. Very good point. I'll make sure I don't bend down! x

  12. Woohooo loving the hat liz x and Happy 1st Birthday to Magpiemonday x

  13. Watch out that you don't get mistaken for one of the residents on your trip to London Zoo. Seriously great hat and even better if it keeps you warm

    1. Haha Kate. I could sneak some of the meerkats out in it couldn't I?!

  14. Happy birthday! I'm still in "no shopping" purgatory, and the only sneaky purchases I've made are still in the washing basket (there's a lovely H&M shirt dying to be worn!) The hat is fabulous, I'm very jealous.

    1. Thanks hun. Oh hell indeed. Hope you manage to sneak some quality shopping in soon. x

  15. Happy 1st Birthday Magpie Monday!! I love the hat!!! I bet you were really warm in it! I also feel the urge to now find you a long cigarette holder and force you to mutter "I just want to be al-one!" - clearly it makes you look like a Hollywood star! ;)

    1. Thank you lovely.

      Would it surprise you to learn that I actually have a long cigarette holder. And full length gloves. And a tiara?!! I should have been born Audrey Hepburn! x

  16. Well... I love the hat!! Thanks for letting me know about magpie Monday, I'll certainly join in!

  17. I bought books galore this week!!
    Aqeela xx

  18. Oh happy (belated) birthday Magpie Monday - long may it continue!

    I have a Russian style hat like that too. Me and the mister bought them (in the heady days of our relationship before marriage/kids) during a day trip to Loch Lomond (as you do).

    I like to think of it as my Dr Zhivago(sp?) look!

    It's very striking on you too!!
