
Thursday 15 December 2011

Visiting the Nick Jr TV studio

As a blogger I get some truly amazing opportunities for which I'm hugely grateful.  Ruby is also a very lucky girl because we get invited to places most little girls don't get to see.

None more so than our recent behind the scenes visit to the Nick Jr studio in London.  Such a special day was it, we even got to take 'school ted' with us so he could write about it in his diary and Ruby got to stand up at nursery for 'show and tell' and thoroughly enjoyed telling all her little friends where we'd been and who we met.

Myself, Louise, Carol and Pippa and our kids were all invited to a tour of the set and a special meet and greet with The Bopps.

The Bopps are a regular feature to our morning routine, showing on Nick Jr at 7.35 each morning.  Ruby loves them so much and hearing her howl with laughter at their antics is a great start to the day.  If you're not familiar with the programme, well, how can I describe it?  I guess I'd say they are a bit like the 60's show The Monkees meets traditional British panto.  Lots of singing, dancing and slapstick comedy. Take a look at some of the clips here.

Keith and Stan are such genuinely lovely guys and had so much time for the children, chatting and joking around with them.  Give them a follow on twitter, they'd love to say hi, or check out their Facebook page.

We're really happy to hear that they are going to be performing at Wychwood Festival next year - we must get tickets!

While we were at the studio, we watched them filming some special Christmas links for Wake Up World which will be broadcast all next week.  It was fascinating to see behind the scenes and we can't wait to see the finished result on the telly.

We met the insanely beautiful and talented Helena Dowling, presenter of Wake Up World, and Ruby was totally starstruck - she even gave Helena a little kiss!

I can't believe how well behaved Ruby was.  She kept completely quiet throughout the filming, and managed to resist the temptation to press any buttons!

Make sure you tune in to Nick Jr in the mornings to catch The Bopps on Wake Up World.

We want to say a huge thank you to Nick Jr for organising this special trip and to Keith, Stan, Helena and crew for taking time out of their busy schedules to welcome us.


  1. We had such a great day and all the children were so lovely.

  2. Aww wow she looked as though she had great fun! x

  3. What a brilliant day...blogging does give you some fab opportunities! x

  4. What an amazing experience to have! Bet itbwas fantastic to meet someone off the tv and see how it works, lucky little lady

  5. Looks/sounds like you guys had an awesome time! I've never heard of The Bopps (sorry...). Even though we watch Nick Jr, all Little Moo is interested in is Peppa Pig :-)
