
Wednesday 2 November 2011

BIC® Kids Art Gallery

Thank you so much to Maggy from Red Ted Art who had the tough job of judging, but we're pleased to announce the three winners are:

David aged 9
Eleanor aged 3
Cecily aged 3

Well done all of you.  I have David and Elenor's addresses so the prizes will be heading your way soon.  Cecily's mum, please contact me with your address.

Thank you all so much for sending in your beautiful, creative entries. We really enjoyed seeing them and it certainly cheered up the grey days.

Keeeeeeeeep crafting!

Forgive me for coming over all Tony Hart!  This is the space where all the beautiful entries to the 'Autumn' competition will be posted.

If you'd love for your little one's work to be displayed here to, check out the previous post for full details on how to enter. They might even win a BIC® Kids goody bag.

I'll be adding pictures as they come through to me, so please do pop back and admire the creativity.  Please do leave a comment and words of encouragement too!

Martha aged 6 painted a tree in acrylics

4 year old Lois used computer art to create her 'falling leaves' picture

Wow! Such a lot going on in this Autumn night scene by David aged 9

Charley aged 12 and her autumn model

Danny aged 6 is wearing his hedgehog mask he made from autumn leaves

Sydney aged 3 has sent in a picture of her pine cone fairy

'My favourite park in autumn' by Andrew aged 7

Peter age 3 and his autumn artwork and candle holder

He's also rightly proud of his little oak tree he's growing from a sprouting acorn found on a woodland walk

Daniel is 3 1/2 and has sent in his Autumn collages

Chester age 3 with his spooky spider and bat

Eleanor aged 3 - London on Bonfire Night

Fireworks painted with cotton buds by Cecily aged 3

Boo aged 3 used Tissue Paper and lots of glue to create: A Man at the Bonfire looking at fireworks 

Kaleigh is just turned 3 and has sent in her firework painting 

Brooke has sent in a beautiful autumn poem

Ruby aged 8 and her cousin made this adorable  elf house in the woods, complete with front door and pine cones and stones for the garden  

Charlie aged 7 has made a beach  castle - for the crabs to shelter in when it gets dark

Jake aged 6 has made a cosy Autumn Hedgehog House

Molly is 4 and has sent in a spectacular splatter painted fireworks picture

4 year old Lee has sent in a picture of  himself and his Mummy  watching the fireworks

Zack aged 3 has sent in his leafy artwork

4 year old Raiden sent in these super-sparkly firework pictures

Want to see your entry here? Get arty and send it in!


  1. Oh my, how adorable are those entries!!! I can see this is really going to be a tough one to judge...


  2. Hi ive sent an email twice with my son Dannys entry but its still not on here. I just wanted to check that you've recieved it. Kind regards Charlotte

  3. Hi Charlotte,

    Sorry for the delay. All the entries are now posted, and they'll be passed on to the judge after the closing time. Best of luck x

  4. Greetings! Very useful advice within this post! It's the little changes that make the most important changes. Thanks for sharing!

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