
Monday 10 October 2011

Magpie Monday - Chalking it up to experience

I'm very excited to bring you a 'make-over' as my Magpie Monday today.  Are you ready for the big 'Ta-da'?

What I love most about buying things second-hand, it re-purposing them or renovating them from something that is almost useless, to an individually styled item.

I bought this very manky coffee table from my favourite house clearance shop, specifically with a purpose in mind.  I cannot tell you how filthy it was - the old man wouldn't have it in the house until I'd washed it down!  I imagine some Bert Baxter character had had it in his living room for the past 30 years, eating his beetroot sandwiches and smoking 40 Capstan Full Strength a day.

It cost me the princely sum of £5 though, and I was pleased as punch with it.

The table, together with 2 old wooden school chairs were destined for other things.  Stupidly, I forgot to take a 'before' photo of the chairs, but they too were encrusted in grime - as I was scrubbing them I kept telling myself it was just dried play-doh and tomato sauce, and that's what I intend to carry on believing!  The chairs cost me only £2 each from the local auction house.

With the help of some Rustoleum spray paints, I set about the make-over.  I love spray painting (considerably more than my new neighbour, it turns out), but normally I just give things a quick blast.

This time however, I did a proper job.  I prepped and primed, I filled and sanded then sanded some more. I masked and re-coated, and this is the result: a chalkboard play table with matching chairs.

I'm really pleased with the glossy sheen on the chairs in particular. I used Rustoleum Cherry Red gloss.

Ruby loves her new table, and wasted no time christening it with a picture of Daddy (aww just look at him, you can see why I've stayed with him for so long!)

I have a whole heap of other things in the garage waiting to be introduced to the spray can. I can't wait to get cracking on the next project!

What have you been saving from the land-fill this week?  Please grab the badge and link-up your second-hand finds.

Me and My Shadow

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and link to my blog

Me and My Shadow


  1. Wow this is a fab makeover! The whole room looks lovely, and the chairs are gorgeous.

  2. Wow, I absolutely love what you have done! It's fabulous! x

  3. oh that looks so lovely .... perfect size for a little girl, love it :D
    Maria x

  4. Fab makeover, great idea and love those chairs! x

  5. That is gorgeous, such a good idea. And Daddy looks very handsome in that picture too ;-)

  6. I love it! What a fab and creative idea!

  7. Great creative idea and love the bright red and the shape of the chairs. Well done you!

  8. wow that is FAB I love it, you should make and sell thse online! x

  9. It looks beautiful i have linked to your post

  10. What a fab makeover - very creative, and your whole room looks lovely. I'm a little in love with spraycans myself, and have several projects I need to get on with!

  11. I posted something about chalkboard tables a while back and then forgot about actually looking for one! Yours looks great, love the red :)

  12. Thanks for all your lovely comments. Ruby loves her new playroom - and I love that all her toys are in the one place!

  13. Seriously: I love this so much I may have to hunt you down and steal it. I'm not kidding...LBG's with me :-)

  14. I love the idea, wish we had room to have a chalkboard anywhere in our house!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. That shade of red is fantastic!!

    Jem xXx

  17. I love.....all of it! Especially the table! you're so clever! (want to come design my rooms?!) :)

  18. Really fab, I love the red accent that you have used. I think the chalk table is just brilliant!

  19. Ahh thank you all so much. It was well worth the effort, I'm really proud of it!

  20. Soooo cute. I love chalkboard paint and your table and chair set is adorable!!! Great repurpose!

  21. OK, so I meant to say

    "wow, this is a linky that's actually interesting for a change!"

  22. Ahh, that was worth waiting for! Thanks MrsB! x

  23. Awesomeness overload.

    You're rather smart & creative aren't you?

  24. WOW WOW WOW - Liz you never cease to amaze me with your finds and ta-dahs. This is wonderful, as is R's new playroom - so cool. xx

  25. Utterly, utterly brilliant!

  26. What an absolutely brilliant idea for that table. The whole things is fantastic. It looks wonderful.I am going to put your blog post in my Favourites to show my son when he comes over. superb!

  27. That is an insanely good makeover! You've definitely got the vision, which is what's required! I love the shape of those chairs and it's such a good idea to turn the table into a chalkboard. Genius!!

  28. OMG how fantastic! You are so clever and R is one lucky girl!
