
Friday 28 October 2011

Halloween Spooky Spider Sweetcorn Fritters

This was one of those happy accidents!

While I was knocking up a batch of sweetcorn fritters for lunch today, I used the griddle pan instead of the frying pan and noticed how the batter ran into the grooves.

The purists amongst us will note that they don't have eight legs, but who cares! If it bothers you that much you can pour the batter on more carefully to make the correct number for an arachnid.

This is a great recipe to make with your kids.  Ruby loves to help weigh out the ingredients, crack the eggs and whisk the batter.

  • 100g self-raising Flour
  • 150ml semi-skimmed milk
  • 2 eggs
  • Small tin of sweetcorn (or large handful of thawed, frozen sweetcorn)
  • 2 spring onions very finely chopped
  • 4 tsp sunflower oil, for frying or squirts of low-cal Fry oil
  • Black olives for decoration
  • Small pinch salt

    Whisk together the milk, flour, eggs and salt until there are no lumps.  Add the finely chopped spring onion and sweetcorn and stir together.  Ideally leave to stand for 30 mins.
      Oil your grooved griddle pan, and pour a small amount of batter onto the hot griddle.  Cook in small batches of 3 or 4 at a time, cooking for about 3-4 minutes each side, until brown.
        Decorate your spiders with olives for eyes. Great for a spooky supper, snack or brunch.

            Happy Halloween!

            Linking up with:


            ShowOff Showcase


            1. Oh I love it Liz, it really was a happy accident!

            2. What a great little snack and brilliant idea even if it was not intentional! Thanks for linking up! :)

            3. Oh coo, I'm loving this simple recipe. The Boy loves mixing up the ingredients when cooking, so I bet he'd eat these far more willingly than normal! Good one Missie!

              Thanks for linking up to ShowOff ShoWCase

            4. I am convinced that my spider wil not have 8 legs either!

              This looks easy enough for my 12 year old to do - she might show me!!!

              Thanks for sharing on Showoff Showcase - hope you find time to peek at mine on there :o
