
Thursday 31 March 2011

Making an Entrance

A quick post to link up with White Lily Green's fabulous blog and her Handmade Thursday link.

Inspire Me Beautiful

Sadly I haven't had time to make anything this week, but I thought I'd show you some thrifty makes I did recently for my hallway.

Living in an old house we're cursed with drafts, and desperately needed a door sausage to keep the howling winds out.  I'd seen some gorgeous ones about, but they were so expensive. In the end I picked up a very cheap one, but it was definitely more practical than beautiful.

But I was lucky to find a lovely piece of fabric in the remnant bin at John Lewis. The colours were perfect for our hallway, so I got the machine out and made a simple tube, sewed a channel each end, threaded with ribbon, tied on bows and hey presto!

There was just enough fabric left to make a small cushion to go on my bargainous £2 charity shop chair which sits under the stairs.

I'm rubbish with a sewing machine, but very excited to have found a local beginners course starting soon.  I can't wait to start learning!

If you want to see more of my charity shop finds, pop back to my blog every week for 'Magpie Monday'.

Now, you could pop over to White Lily Green to see all the very clever crafty people's creations.


  1. Hey, you said you couldn't sew!! lol Looks mighty good to me!! Well done! That is gorgeous fabric too, very nice!!

    Thanks for linking up! Love it!

  2. I think they are great really useful, may make a draft one myself lol thanks for showing us

  3. They look great - I'm still a bit scared of my machine and would really benefit from a course. Think my craft group is planning to run one soon.
    Also, I need to get making all the lovely things in 'The Crafty Kid', thanks so much for that.

  4. They look absolutely gorgeous!
    As a sewing lover myself I know that once you've started you won't be able to stop. I only use patterns to cut out all the pieces then I go on gut instinct as patterns really confuse me!!
    I used to blog about my daily sewing mishaps and the random things I'd made but the arrival of a new baby means I barely sleep let alone sew!

    Good luck with the course, don't be afraid of making mistakes :)

    Kerry x

  5. They look fabulous!! I have a machine too...Under the bed covered in dust!
