
Monday 14 March 2011

Magpie Monday - Tea & Dresses

I bring you more rich pickings from my Hitchin shopping trip!!

The sun has returned, and sadly I haven't been able to twirl my brolly yet, but at least the herald of spring means Ruby can start to wear frocks again.

I'm not one to spend huge amounts on designer labels, but am always thrilled if I find something for her in a second-hand shop.

I picked up this darling little lilac linen dress by Gap for £2.  It is printed with spring violets and trimmed with ric-rac at the hem.  Apologies for the lack of domestic-goddessness in regards to ironing.

Next up was this beautiful Boden needlecord pinafore. A rich aubergine colour with cerise velvet ribbon trim and patch pockets. It's got a little ruffle hem and is aged a couple of years older than Ruby currently is. It fits her now as a long dress, and I'm hoping we'll get many more years out of it.  It cost the princely sum of £2.50.

Finally, I spotted this shocking pink needlecord dress also for £2.50. I'd never heard of the label 'uju' before, and I'm not even sure they are still trading.  I hope they are because they sound like my kind of brand! The dress has a pale pink velvet ruffle hem and a bold applique flower. I love it and I think Ruby might wear it for her birthday party next week.

I also finally found some cups and saucers! Hurrah I hear you say. Well, maybe not...

I spotted the gorgeous primrose yellow trio on a bric-a-brac shelf and snatched it up.  It was only after I'd been wandering around with it in my hand for a while that I noticed the price : £5.50!  Hmm, perhaps it was Spode or Minton.

No such luck.  I was ambling along the rows of bric-a-brac bemoaning the fact that my fellow magpies seem to find pretty teacups for ten pence, when I spotted a matching trio.  Why these had been put so far apart on the shelf I have no idea.  I picked that one up, was priced at £6.50!!

Now, these were identical.  They both had faded, worn gilding, and a minuscule chip to the rim. Why the different prices?  Much as I hate haggling in a charity shop, there was no way I was paying £1 more for one than the other, and even at £5.50 they were over-priced.  I went up to the counter and explained my dilemma to the officious old dear serving.  I said they were priced differently, but I'd like to pay £10 for the pair.  Much to my annoyance and embarrassment, she said "yes, dear but it would be £11".  She totally missed my point, and I couldn't be bothered to argue so I handed over my cash.

They are very pretty, but £11? Hardly deal of the century!

So what have you discovered? I'd love you to share your 2nd-hand gems. Please grab the badge below, pop in on a post and link up here. If you don't have a blog, you can share with twitpic on Twitter or the Facebook page using #MagpieMonday, or just browse through the posts linked up for inspiration.

Until next week, happy bargain hunting xx

Me and My Shadow
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If you're new to Magpie Monday, please don't be shy! You're all welcome, the more the merrier. Just share something that you've bought or acquired 2nd-hand, and please do visit the others linked and leave them a comment x


  1. Morning Liz, bright and eearly today. You must have slept well : ) Love the dresses, miss so much that I never had a little girl to dress up. The cups may have been a tad expensive but they are gorgeous and as long as you LOVE them, well, its worth the cost ? xx

  2. Ooh, I have this problem all the time - am always seeing people in other parts of the country buying clothes for 20p and giving a hollow laugh. I'm lucky to get anything for under £4.00 at an absolute minimum in charity shops here. You need to compare the price to a comparable trio in House of Fraser or somewhere, then it feels like a bargain again.

    Gorgeous dresses - so much nicer stuff for little girls in charity shops. Sigh.

    I got teacups too - come see!

  3. What pretty dresses. I've never found any good second hand clothes for my son but it doesn't mean I'll stop looking :)

  4. Love those cups, and a bit of research may show you had a bargain after all.....

  5. Lovely little dresses and u got them for a grt price!
    Love the teacup but like you over here they all seem expensive in the charity shops :~ i never see any pretty teacups etc for pennies :(

  6. The dresses are beautiful Liz, like Karen I have no little girls to dress...only boys in our house.

    The crockery is lovely, I love the colour. I have the same problem as you though, I feel that they are really overpriced in my local Charity Shops...I am still holding out though for the bargain on the keeps me on my toes :-) x

  7. Every time I come here I'm confused that awe have the same blog theme LOL

    Pretty dresses, I wish I saw things now for my 11 year old, I see lots for toddlers - when my little one was small I was always buying her pretty frocks in charity shops.

    but £11 ! for the tea things, they are pretty I grant you but too expensive for my taste, maybe I could interest you in some of my 1930s Chelsea Bird crockery :-)

  8. Beautiful crockery! I love the yellow colour on them. Also I adore needlecord material and the pink dress is very pretty. I have some flowery needlecord fabric in my stash and I do love sewing with it!

  9. Yes, TM I was had! I am officially the world's crappest haggler, and after my failed attempt I was too embarrassed to put them back on the shelf.

    Nevermind, I off-set them against the bargain dresses and I'm happy :0)

  10. I don't know how you do it! I'd never be able to find stuff as nice as that for that price. Congrats on your bargain hunting (and your bun plate combination - v pretty!)

  11. Love the buttery yellow of the cup and saucer and LOVE the boden dress. Another great week of finds XX

  12. Love the dresses especially the first one and the cup & saucer is beautiful!

  13. Beautiful crockery, I made lemon cupcakes this week that would have been right at home on one of those plates! x

  14. Pretty dresses :)
    Apologies for my post this week which took on a life of its own, turning into an epic with very few bargains!!

  15. Lovely dresses. First is very classic, second is lovely and third is adorable. Fave is the bright pink of course. I like how you go on about ironing. I could not be bothered although felt I probably should to iron my finds clothing wise featured in my Magpie Monday this week. But I have done a themed Magpie Monday which I enjoyed putting together and I hope you like too.
    Volunteers in charity shops. Giving their time for free is fab but some really do need to be put out to grass.
    Loving Magpie Monday as ever

  16. LOL Katie!!

    I do appreciate volunteers honestly, I couldn't have run my shop without them. But this lady is truly vile. It was only after the embarrassing haggling incident I remembered I'd vowed not to go in there again after she admonished my daughter last time for touching the clothes!!

    Popping over to see yours now, xx

  17. Hate it when they pick on children for being ....children and yes tend to boycott them but then see summat in the window and get tempted back in

  18. LOVE the pink, that's fabulous. And the shape of the plates is lovely, but I know what you mean about everyone else picking up the bargains for 20p, and not finding them myself. I had my eye on some wineglasses in the Salvation Army shop's window the other week, but they won't sell from the window, and when they changed their display, they'd gone.

  19. Great finds as always! Love the cups! Some people are funny aren't they!

  20. Sorry I sound a bit down in the dumps today, it's just that all your finds are so amazing!

  21. Oh Mol.

    I'm worried I've created a monster now! Especially as I've now agreed to have a theme next week.

    I need to reign it in a bit. The idea was as anti-commercialism and I absolutley don't want people to either feel they MUST buy something every week, or that they have to find something superb to compete.

    I shall write a big long post next week about this x

  22. Hi Liz, I love the cup and saucer set you bought, they bring back lovely memories of having a cup of tea and a slice of cake at my Nana's house. I bought a couple of tea cup and saucer sets myself the other day from the Red Cross (£5 for both). I plan to make two cutesy tea cup bird feeders for my mum and mum in law for Mothers Day. When I've made them, I send you a pic :). Thanks for your comment on my site today, it's really appreciated.

  23. Hi, thanks for dropping by. Bird cup feeders - what a lovely idea. Yes, please do, I'd love to see those x

  24. Heee, I think I was channelling this post today. I've just been on a happy afternoon's charity shopping, and found a lilac, flowerprint, needlecord dress... that's next week's post started out already!

  25. Hi there - just stumbled upon your blog and am so happy to have found Magpie Monday. I've been doing a weekly post showing off my car boot sale finds on a Sunday for years now, so am very happy to be able to share my finds via your linky. I am off to visit all the other links now, am quite excited about it!! Caroline x

  26. Hi Squeakymom,

    It's funny isn't it. I often find times when I think of something then suddenly it's everywhere you look! Can't wait to see your dress.

    Hi Caroline!! Hello welcome, welcome! I'm off to have a read of your blog now. :0)

  27. Oooh, am loving the Magpie Monday deelie - I keep seeing Helen at Icklebabe post hers & meaning to check it all out - such a great idea! I love me a bit of charity shopping, so definitely plan to join in soon!
    For now though, I'm off to nosey at other people's pretties! (love your crockery - but I agree, bit steep - hate when 2nd hand shops get a bit greedy! :P)

  28. Hello, I love the Magpie Monday idea I would love to join! The cup and saucer are gorgeous I love that shade of yellow - matches the cup cake beautifully. Cute dresses too! Can't wait to get bargain hunting... Sarah x

  29. Oh dear i seem to have left two links ... first one was the post from last time and i clicked the button before i checked ... sorry rambling now i need coffee or sleep not sure which !

    Anyhoo love the dresses ... wish Little K still liked pretty dresses .

    Sara x
