
Monday 28 March 2011

Magpie Monday - Summer Fun

This weekend heralds the start of British Summertime and I found some fab things on this week's charity shop trawl to get me in the mood!

I found two lovely floral dresses for a fiver each, both still brand new with labels in.  The pale dress is a maxi style with spaghetti straps and an elasticated bust.  The darker one is a short dress which I'll wear over navy linen trousers or jeans.  Not that I'm a particular follower of fashion, but I am glad that florals are back in. It means I can wear them without people asking if I'm wearing my Nana's curtains.

I also picked up this book for a quid. Perfect for lazing in the deckchair with a cuppa.  I've just finished reading Night Music by the same author which I really enjoyed, so I'm hoping this one will be as good.

Ruby spotted this old-fashioned hobby horse while I was browsing the book shelves.  She amused herself and the other customers by galloping around the shop on it, but then whined and whinged that she wanted to buy it.  Expecting it to be quite expensive, and (if I'm honest) not relishing the prospect of lugging it around town, I asked how much it was.  The assistant wasn't sure so toddled off to find her manager, then came back and said "£1.50"!!!  So we had it - with Ruby promising faithfully to carry it.

Of course, no sooner had we left the shop than she said it was too heavy, so lug it around town I did, and also assaulted several people on the bus with it on the way home.

It needs a couple of stitches where the reigns have come away, but still, she loves it.  I'm thinking maybe I'll fashion a Cath Kidston-esque teepee in the garden and we can play cowboys!

Finally, my absolute best find of the week (if not year) was this uber-cool pair of retro Converse roller skates!

I spotted then languishing under a shoe rack, and seized them.  There was no size marked, but they looked about right, so I slipped my boot off, popped one on and had a total Cinderella moment!  They were made for me.

I was never particularly good at roller skating as a kid so it remains to be seen how I get on - particularly as I have the balance and co-ordination of a new-born foal, but for three quid it's got to be worth a go.  There's at least a fiver's worth of laughs to be had surely...

So, what did you find, I can't wait to see all your second-hand treasure.  If you have something to share, please grab the badge and link-up below.  Alternatively, you can twitpic using the #magpiemonday hashtag or post on the blog's facebook page.

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  1. I am loving those retro blue skates! I had a pair when I was growing up, I think they were brown and orange and I loved them. The childrens horse is great, what a bargain at £1.50, I am sure your daughter will love playing with it! Bx

  2. Converse Roller skates ! How retrotastic ! fab! Hope you pop on one of those gorgeous floral dresses with them and skate off twirling around the park . xx
    Love the hobby horse too. Total bargain. xx

  3. I think you need a towelling halterneck playsuit to go with your skates. That's what I wore mine with. Imagine!
    Lovely finds, many jealous magpies around today.

  4. woweeee! what fab finds! I'm in love with that Hobby horse and the roller skates... well, they are just beyond cool!

    I'm Laughing at LUCEWOMANs comment about the toweling playsuit.... I can see it now!! Brilliant!

  5. Great bargains - I love JoJo Moyes' books, and those roller boots take me back - I had a very similar pair back in the day!

  6. Those skates bring back some fun but painful memories!! Will never forget the time I decided to make a harness for the dog (a wappy and energetic Weimaraner) and away she went pulling me along on my skates, could not get her to stop for love nor money and I was a yellow-macked blur for about half a mile until I hit a curb! :-)

    Jem xXx

  7. PMSL at Jem!! I'm thinking maybe I won't try this with my labrador - if she spots some fried chicken across the other side of the park she'd be off like the wind!

    I'm liking Lucewoman and Karen's image though. I shall try it whilst singing "Oooooooooh bodyform, bodyform for youuuuuuuuu" :0)

  8. Those skates are fab, I have some Adidas trainers from about 20yrs ago just like them. I roller-disco'd last year, sooooo much fun. Blogged about it, take a peek

  9. Lol at towelling playsuit and your roller boots - I'm sure I had a Sindy doll who wore that outfit. Bargain hobbyhorse for Ruby too. Mind how you go when you're out on the school-run on wheels...

  10. In the mood for what exactly? Love, dancing or what? Seriously, the clothing is great and I so love floral maxi dresses. Girly and cover a multitude of sins.
    Hobby horses never go out of fashion with children and the skates bring back memories.
    JoJo Moyes the author of your book find is on Twitter by the way and even replies to tweets from mere mortals too.
    My finds are over at

  11. You simply have to do a vlog of your first foray out on your skates ;-)!

  12. Wow, you have to check out my Magpie Monday post and then take a look at Gigglingatitall. Talk about coincidence!!!!

  13. I think this is the first time Magpie Monday-ers have being able to say "Snap"

  14. God I love the retro skates! I am just writing an eighties post and they would fitright in! Sorry I have missed posting for magpie the last few weeks, will be back next week, promise xxxxx

  15. Fab finds love the roller skates takes me back to the 80s seeing them :)
    Hobby horse is so cute too DD had one she got from the charity shop a few years back but as she plays rough like a boy it ended up broken :~ lol
    Will post my magpiemonday up soon just been so busy today charity shopping for fabric to make a medieval dress for DD << perfect finds for next weeks MM ;)
    Rite off to nose at what treasures everyone else has linked up :D x

  16. Im in awe of those roller boots - what an amazing find! I used to have some like this but mine were red (and very battered!). Scarlett x

  17. Oh wow! great finds this week Lizzie, and please, please, please we want to see a Vlog of you on those skates ;-) x

  18. Love the roller boots. I would have given my eye teeth for those as a child. Mine were just wheels and a base that you strapped on to your shoes but spent hours on them.

  19. I admire your bravery with the skates!

  20. Those roller boots are perfect! We used to have a roller skating club in my street, happy days!

  21. I really really want some roller skates like those...I used to have some when I was a teenager and they were ace! xx

  22. Meant to say thank you for letting me put my post on again this week.

  23. OMG...I had a pair of roller boots exactly like those in the 70's! And I love your other bargains too...You had a good week! x

  24. what a fab lot of finds. You'd like my bootsale Sunday posts when I get to go!

  25. Slightly concerned at the level of Sadism amongst you lot. Vlog my roller-skating? Do I look like I have a death-wish???!!

    We'll see ;0)

  26. You always find the best things: I may have to come and snoop in your chariuty shops. I could do with a pair of rollerskates!

  27. Not just rollerskates but Converse ones; can it get any cooler? We tried the hobbyhorses with the twins, ended up in a battle :)

  28. I'm so jealous of the skates! I haven't skated in forever, and after two broken ankles, my hubby would go ballistic if I tried now, but I SO want to!

    The book, if you haven't finished it yet, is fabulous, I read it last year, and I think my copy went to one of our local charity shops a few months ago - and I'm reading another Jojo Moyes right now, from the library.

  29. Your new roller boots are awesome!
    I think everyday is a magpie day for me :)

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