
Tuesday 15 March 2011

How Do You Perceive Me? – The One Word Meme

I have been tagged in a meme by the gorgeous Chris at Thinly Spread

Here's the thing.  You have to sum me up in one word.  Uh-oh.  This very clever idea from Michelle over at Mummy From The Heart is explained by her here:

This got me thinking about an email I received a few years back, one of those circular things that I normally hate but this one I loved and have never forgotten.  It was about the power of positive affirmations and how knowing what positive things others think of you can boost your own self-esteem.  It talked of an inspirational teacher who got all her children to write one positive word down to describe the other children in the class and then they had to hand them in.  The teacher then collated all the positive words for each child into a special sheet for them and handed it to them to read and keep.  They learnt that their peers saw them in ways they had never imagined and it had an immense effect on them.  The story goes that one of them died and a number of them attended the funeral and it was found that they all still had their lists 20 or so years later as they had been really touched by this loving gesture.  Did this really happen?  Who knows, but I love the sentiment of this story and therefore it does not matter to me if it was real.

Well, what about if us bloggers and virtual friends did something similar?  How marvellous would we all feel to learn these new facets of ourselves that we did not know existed.  Someone may say I am inspirational (another one I have heard about myself a few times recently) and me being me I would say ‘no not me’ but what have I done there?  Rubbished their opinion and that is not right, only they know if I have actually inspired them to do something.  If people are kind enough to give us a compliment we should be gracious enough to accept it…. and why not go one step further and actually go out and ask for it?

Well that is what I want us all to do.  I am creating a meme, called the 1 Word Meme and I would love for every one of us to be able to collate all the positive words left by our real life friends, virtual friends and fellow bloggers so that we each have a sheet of positive affirmations to treasure and boost our self-esteem.

So there you have it, an opportunity to tell me what you think of me!! Why am I doing this? The first negative comment will send me scuttling to a darkened room in tears...

Hey-ho, here goes nothing.

I'm tagging these wonderful bloggers to continue the meme, and making a guess at what one word they'd use to sum me up!!

Kay  (Probably irritating because she is very busy and I'm sure has better things to do!)

Becca (Hopefully 'helpful', but maybe 'slack' as I always promise to do stuff & forget!)

Lins (I'm guessing she'd go for 'drunk' as the only time she's ever met me I was. Very)

Fi (Not sure, but I spent 2 hours sitting next to the lovely Fi at lunch this weekend, so this will be interesting!)

Anyone and everyone is welcome to leave a comment below describing me in one word.  Do your worst.  No, actually, don't!


  1. creative - she can put her mind to anything and make anything.
    @glitzygail xx

  2. Ahh that's a lovely one. Thank you Gail x

  3. Welcoming (always friendly!)

    C x

  4. Very, very conscientious.

  5. Oh my gosh! Thank you all (you sure you're writing about the right person here?!)

  6. Funny! You always make me smile :) xx

  7. Blimey - I wanna marry me!!

    Thank you x

  8. This is really hard, just one word. Was going to cheat with multi-faceted however I'll go with 'engaging' a x

  9. careful -amongsy other reasons,for the wonderful blog,written regarding disability and how to react with children.Also,as ,although i only read quarter to half your blogs,the info,and views contained are well constructed,and never demeaning or hurtful

  10. Love ( I sense your love from a virtual friend)

  11. Hmm not sure which one to pick for you!

    Genuine I think fits the bill!

    Thanks for keeping the meme going.

    Mich x

  12. Inspirational. Marry me?

  13. These things you guys are saying are so lovely. Thank you.

    Lins, I would, but you already are!! :0(

  14. Sweary, lol! :O) (and funny if I could choose another one)

  15. Likeable!

    The minute we started chatting I thought 'ah she's nice- really honest and down to earth!'

    I think after 2 hours and our chats about cybermummy, dogs, blogging, kids and chickens (ahhh the chickens!) I'd have to say more than one word- sorry!


  16. I'm going with friendly. You have always been so nice when I've spoken to you. x

  17. Thrifty - can spot a bargain at a hundred paces

  18. Cute - in nearly all of its senses:

  19. Wow, thanks guys. You've brought a tear to my eye. :'0)

  20. Eclectic! You give great advice on gardening, are sponsored by chocolate and have such a broad range of topics on your blog what else could it be! xx
