
Sunday 20 February 2011

My Beautiful Girl

After hoping for the past few weeks that we'd got away with it, Ruby finally has Chickenpox.  It started with one boy at nursery about 3 weeks ago, and following on from that she was a bit off-colour for a fortnight. Nothing specific, just a bit grumpy, a bit of a cold and an upset tummy.  But then she perked up and I assumed it had passed.

On Wednesday I took her to nursery and the 'poxometer' board outside read '7 cases of chickenpox confirmed'.  Uh-oh!

Thursday morning we were getting ready, I was due in London for an event and Ruby was looking forward to her Auntie collecting her from nursery at lunchtime and taking her to story time in the afternoon.  She showered and was fine. I dried her and she was fine.  She sat in her dressing gown eating her cereal while I got ready.  Then I heard it: "Mummy, I've got a spot".

I checked her over and she had 5 spots, but they were unmistakeably the pox.  She was distraught, denied she had 'chicken pops' and was adamant she should go to nursery.  Hasty ringing around and alternative arrangements were made.

My girl wasn't unwell, she just had spots.  Over the next few days these started to irritate and itch and she's having trouble sleeping, and is grumpy we can't go out, but apart from that she's ok.

Until that is, she said to me, with a look of absolute pure sadness "Mummy, I'm not beautiful anymore".  My heart nearly broke. I had to fight back the tears, and promise her she is, and always will be beautiful.

What saddened me most was where she'd got the idea that beauty was to do with her face or her skin.  I need to work on this, and help her understand that beauty is within.

We are not a particularly vain family.  We don't spend a fortune on ourselves, we don't have walls full of studio photography self portraits.  But I have told Ruby every single day that she is beautiful and I love her.  I want her to grow up with self confidence and belief.

A few spots will not change the fact that she is the most beautiful person in the world.


  1. Oh poor you, that must have broken your heart well and truly. She looks beautiful to me, with a hell of a cheeky smile

  2. Awww how heartbreaking, I'm sure that if you carry on telling her that she's beautiful (which she is) she'll learn over time that appearance means nothing, she's still very young and trying to work the world out. I haven't managed it yet and I'm 35 lol. Loved the chicken pops comment, that's what my youngest called them too when he had them a couple of years ago!

  3. Ah thanks Vickie. It was so sad to hear her say that, bless her. xx

    Thanks Mel, you're right she's still very little. Chicken pops is cute isn't it?! She had a toy frog who now has 'Frog Pops' aswell! LOL

  4. Awwww bless her lmao. Such a sweetie!

  5. amg, that's sooo sad... when I read that little one doesn't think she's beautiful anymore that literally made me cry.

    Absolutely heartbreaking that a gorgeous little girl could think this way. I guess that shows how much media influence there is without us even realising it.

    Ruby is a beautiful little girl with the cheekiest smile... even through the spots she is showing off her beautiful smile and looks adorable.

    One day she will realise that beauty is within but until then all you can do is carry on the way you have been, telling her she's beautiful and how much you love her.

    Sending lots of love and hugs xxxxx

  6. Thanks Laura. I know, what a thing for one so young to say, it was so sad. Like you say, they're like little sponges soaking up things in the media without us realising it.


  7. What a gorgeous face and so smiley and happy. Like you say it is amazing what Little ones pick up without us realising from the media. Hope she soon gets rid of the pox x

  8. Ah that would have broken my heart as well, and she is so beautiful look at that smile gorgeous girl. She will get that beauty comes within especially if you tell her everyday how beautiful she is xx

  9. With that cute smile and those beautiful know that the beauty is coming from within and she will always have it. So sorry that she has chickenpox and hopefully they are not irritating her any longer. Kerri

  10. Oh Liz that all brings back lots of memories, I am sure Ruby will grow up knowing that she is loved and gorgeous and has a very cute smile! Like you said, Beauty comes from within not out of a pot! Hope she is feeling much better soon and will be able to enjoy the half term break.

  11. Kerry, Kerri and Ellie thank you all so much for your lovely comments xx

  12. Oh, poor little love :(

    She is a beautiful little lady. I hope she gets better soon xxx

  13. Oh heck, I almost cried then! Poor little love.

  14. Hello Ruby, You look so cute in your photo, such a wonderful smile and you are lucky to be such a beautiful little girl. My grandson Finlay had lots and lots of chicken pops and now they are all gone! Sending you a hug ((ssqquuEEeezzee))

  15. Ahh thanks guys xx

    Thanks Lynne just read your message out to her and she has a big, big smile now xx

  16. Aw she's gorgeous, bless her :( sending you both hugs, hope she feels better soon x

  17. Hello little Ruby, I hope you feel better soon those chicken pops are nasty litle things. Your so pretty and so is your mummy too.
    Sherieann xx

  18. awww hello little ruby, i hope you are better soon and those horrible chicken dots go away. you are a very pretty little girl with a cheeky smile :-) and can i have your hair band? hehehe x
    give your mummy a big hug!!!!
    gail xxx

  19. Aww wee lamb, hope she gets better soon. She is adorable. x

  20. You know what- I think she's super intelligent to even understand the concept at her age, and I also think that a lot girls will go through this regardless, at some point. So, I suppose in a way it's good that you can pick up on it and discourage these views from an early age, rather than later on when she has even more of a mind of her own?
    Gorgeous, gorgeous girl xxx

  21. Also, isn't it scary how they pick up these things??

  22. What a sweetheart, she is gorgeous, pox and all. I'm dreading K getting it not least because I've never had it myself (this fear is worsened by the sharp intake of breath that people take when I tell them!)
