
Monday 14 February 2011

Magpie Monday - Love is in the air

Last week saw the launch of 'Magpie Monday' and I have to say, hand on heart, I was totally blown away by the support.  I've been planning this for a while, but I was terrified that everyone would think it was a rubbish idea, and that I'd look like some kind of saddo.

So thank you everyone who tweeted, messaged and posted links and twitpics.  We had 16 amazing entries and if you missed them, you can check out the links here.  I was totally inspired by the finds and treasures.

Last week, I opened up my guest bedroom to you to illustrate my love of thrifty finds.  But I don't want to put anyone off joining by thinking you have to write some epic post and show me whole rooms of stuff.  Also, to be perfectly honest, the spare room is probably the only tidy one in the house, so I can't show you any more!

Instead, I will share with you these recent charity shop finds and as it's Valentine's Day, they have a bit of a lovey-dovey pink theme.

A whole outfit for £6.50?? Yes indeedy!  Accessorised too...

Denim skirt by TopShop (£2.49 from age UK) - Since I live in jeans it amazed me I don't possess one single demin skirt...I do now!

Pink ruched top also by TopShop (£2.99 from Oxfam) - Very cute and pretty, although has a slashed back opening so I'm going to have to wear a strappy vest under it!

Vintage pink bead necklace (£1 from Save the children) - I love these beads! Only plastic, but they have a lovely shape and pretty marbled pattern effect.

There you go, complete outfit for less than £6.50, not including shoes obviously.  But trust me, I have plenty of shoes.

Also in the picture is a very lovely hanging heart decoration made from wire and 'pearl' beads.

This cost £1.49 from Age UK, and just so there's no danger of the old man forgetting February 14th, this has been hung on the front door for the past week.  Subtle I aint!*

Lastly, staying on the pink theme, is my selection of retro glass bottles accumulated from various charity shop and all costing £1 or less.  I've filled them with cheap and cheerful bright pink bubble bath to co-ordinate with the shocking pink in our bathroom.

I bought the first one (on the right) because it reminded me of the Whitefriars styles (it's not, obviously!), and the collection grew from there.  I'm always on the lookout for more.

So there you have it, some little Magpie delights.  I've shown you mine, so why don't you show me yours?!

Grab the badge below, pop in on a blog post (it can be an old post but if must show something you've bought second-hand) and link up using the form below.  If you don't have a blog, you could always post them on the Facebook page, or tweet a picture using the hashtag #MagpieMonday.

Hope to see your treasures x

* I am maligning the poor old fella, of course he took me away for a romantic weekend so I mustn't grumble!

Me and My Shadow
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  1. Wow! Gorgeous outfit...I Love it! And Magpie Monday is Fab!

  2. Some gorgeous finds there : ) I have gone with the Valentines theme too on my blog post. xx I Love Magpie Monday xx

  3. Lovely finds so well done you. Loads to talk about on this theme so just off to do my Magpie Monday now

  4. wow!!! You're such a bargainista, Liz!

    Karen - I LOVE your blog. Your home is beautiful, and I am so so jealous ;)

  5. Great finds liz i love the wire beaded heart!!! look foward to regulary posting my bargains!

  6. Miss Daisy's crafts don't know if your comments are enabled but unable to comment on your blog. Love your bargains though xx

  7. Fantastic post, again! Loving all the fabulous finds!! Magpie Monday Is great.

  8. I'm loving Magpie Monday, any excuse to go bargain hunting!

  9. thanks karen i'll take a look im not very good at techi stuff lol x

  10. Love the blouse Liz, fab find and lovely outfit overall. I had another great find on Saturday, but I'm going to keep it until next week as I won't be here to shop :)

  11. Oh phew! I thought I'd lost all the comments! Thanks so much everyone for your lovely comments, loving all your bargains too: Fab Fab Fab xx

  12. I love that skirt, really nice shape. We've gone a little pink this week too, with some blue for balance.

  13. As someone who is hot on keeping things out of landfill I LOVE this challenge. I only came across your site today, so I'm going to see how I can get involved over the next couple of weeks. Lovely outfit you have found - well done you! Enjoy wearing your new skirt :)

  14. I really like the Valentines theme! I am so pleased you started up this blog hop as it will encourage me to get out hunting for even more bargains, I love a good bargain challenge!

  15. I've added mine. Not only was my treasure second hand, it was free!

  16. I've added my link too, it's a great idea x

  17. Great idea! Will be doing my first MM post this Monday :)

  18. Hi Kristen! Nice to 'meet you'! I've just taken a nosey over on your blog, I think we're going to get on well!! Look forward to seeing your treasures :0)

    You have a beautiful blog and wonderful makes x
