
Wednesday 12 January 2011

Proud to be sponsored for Cybermummy by Chocadores

You will no doubt have heard all the excitement over this year's CyberMummy conference, the UK’s premier blogging conference devoted to parent bloggers.  When it was held last year, I hadn't started writing my blog, but the buzz and sense of community that surrounded this event on Twitter is one of the main drivers for me plucking up the courage to give blogging a go.

I really, really wanted to attend this year in order to meet other bloggers; network with companies and to learn how to improve what I do - I still have an awful lot to learn!

So I am absolutely thrilled that the wonderful Chocadores are going to sponsor me to attend.  I have written a couple of reviews on my blog for Chocadores and promoted their product, but after sampling them I've been more than happy to shout about them and tell everyone how much I enjoy their chocolates - I am now totally addicted to their hot chocolate cubes.  I have been doing this because I believe in their company and the quality of their products, but now our relationship has been formalised, I'm really looking forward to learning more about single origin chocolate, and I hope you will join me on this journey; enjoy learning about their products and support their business in their aim to bring real chocolate to everyone.

You can rest assured, that although sponsored by Chocadores, I still maintain my integrity - those that follow me on Twitter or read my reviews will know that above all else I am honest.  I really don't think this is going to be a problem though, given Chocadores passion for quality.

I am highly embarrassed by this but Sarah Collins, Founder of Chocadores has asked me to include this quote from her (I'm rushing off to cringe with embarrassment!):

""Liz is a very creative, intelligent blogger, who has a very high ethical approach to all her blogging. We are delighted & excited to be working with Liz, we have already finalised some very exciting projects to start working on. Thank you Liz for agreeing to join us".

I am a blogger and a mum, therefore I guess you'd call me a mummy blogger, but that doesn't mean I only want to talk or write about potty training and chickenpox. Like all parents, I do have other interests which is why I'm so excited by this partnership.  It's not often you come across a company who you totally 'get'; who have the same ethical values, and whom I'm now proud to call my friends.

So thank you Chocadores for believing in me and supporting me. x


  1. Thats great that you have a sponsor Liz- see you there, I can't wait to go this year. Like you I just sat back reading all the tweets last year!

  2. Go Liz, Go Liz, well done, well deserved xxx

  3. Oh that's great new Liz - can't think of a better sponsor, brilliant!

  4. woweee!! Not jealous in the slightest (she lies through her teeth!) LOL Congrats to you & Sarah - A perfect partnership!

  5. That's really good - well done you and well done Chocodores. Hope you have a really useful and fun time.

  6. Well done on getting a sponsor! I hope they give you lots of chocolate too :)

  7. Thank you all for your lovely comments. I'm sitting here swelling with pride. I know how hard it can be to get commercial sponsorship, so I'm humbled and honoured that Chocadores has chosen little old me!

    Bring it on!!!!

  8. Ooo how exciting! Please say you'll have free samples with you ;-)

  9. YEY! Well done Liz! Couldn't think of a more fitting sponsor for you. Your reviews on Chocodores stuff has been fab and has more than tempted me to go and get chocolate!

  10. Well done you! Although I do think that Chocodores has the best deal out of it ;) Well done to Chocodores too for recognising such a fab (and professional!) blogger! x

  11. Can't wait to see you there x

  12. Thanks guys!!

    Oh and apparently I will be laden with samples!

    Form an orderly queue ladies :0)

  13. Yay well done you! I had a sponsor but they've let me down....I'm not defeated yet though and will be there...hopefully!! Look forward to meeting you there :-)

  14. Wow, what a fantastic sponsor! Look forward to seeing you there!

  15. Fabulous..I can't think of anything better... a chocolate sponsor! Yumyum.
