
Saturday 19 November 2016

The Pick of Palava

For quite some time now, I've had my eye on the gorgeous dresses over at Palava.  I've followed them through thick and thin, right from their early days trading as PoppyEngland, through their various name changes, forced upon them by bigger, heftier brands. I don't know about you, but I'm all for the underdog, and hate to see independents suffer because they're not as large or rich as others.  They were forced to change their name recently from Poppy, so chose Bryony and Co, but what would you know, they faced a challenge on that too!  So, to represent the palaver they'd been through, settled on their very apt new name. You can read all about it here.

Still with the same gorgeous styling, attention to details and brand ethos, it's about time I got myself one of these gorgeous dresses.  And when I say one, I mean two obviously.  Despite swearing never to do the matchy-matchy thing, these designs are just so beautiful I think both myself and my daughter deserve one.

Let's be honest, it can be a leap of faith investing in something seen online. You worry about the quality and the cut, but having seen the ranges stocked in a couple of gorgeous independent boutiques recently, I am 100% reassured about the level of craftsmanship. 

The frivolous frothy frills on the chiffon petticoats, the decadent detailing on the girl's party wear  - sumptuous sequins and fabulous faux fur all make these pieces to treasure.

These are perfect for the upcoming party season, but I'm looking for dresses we can both wear on Christmas day with full underskirts, but also team up with layers of tights, cardigans, wooly scarves and winter boots for frolics in the forest.

It's no secret that I love woodland, and I'm never happier than when surrounded by trees, a carpet of golden leaves beneath my feet, so it was unsurprising that I've chosen the Forest pattern.

The dress is available in child sizes (shown above left) in their popular Martha style dress with sash waist tie from 6-12 months, right up to 9-10 years. In the adults, the timeless and elegant Freda style is cut to flatter the figure.  It is available in sizes 6-18.

Now, I'm in love with this pattern. It's perfect for us and represents our loves and lifestyle to a tee.  My only quandary is which colour-way to choose? Marvellous as the Navy is, it also comes in this delicious mustard colour. I'm completely torn.  Which to go for?  I need your help!  Let me know which you prefer and put me out of my misery.  

Which would you choose?  Oh 'eck - they do it in a skirt too!  Decisions, decisions...

If you love independent retailers, why not give them a follow on social?

All images courtesy of Palava.  


  1. That woodland dress has been one I've been tempted by for sooo long. It is just so magical!! I have two of their dresses and one blouse plus I bought my niece the chocolate shop one in their sample sale. Sooo tempted by the woodland one. I'm intending to buy my husband the budgie shirt for Christmas!

  2. Those dresses are wonderful - I just love the intricate designs. Might even tempt me back into a dress this winter.

  3. Their dresses are just utterly gorgeous. I am seriously tempted to buy my niece one, and as for me, I am having difficulty in deciding which one I like the best! Seriously annoying on the name change front. I used to work for a Music law firm and they did a bit of copyright stuff. Half the time, these bigger names wouldn't even use a name they were fighting for anyway. Pathetic! x

  4. Oh you are both going to look so fabulous together - and the forest dress has your name all over it

  5. I'd go for the mustard but they are both gorgeous. So many dresses so little time to wear them!

  6. I love them, but am too large for them. I would get one colour way for you and the other for R!

  7. They are beautiful, I really love them and you don't normally find me in dresses but I would make an exception for those, so pretty x

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