
Friday 2 October 2015

Getting a restful nights sleep with Leesa Mattresses

It's fair to say that our old mattress was showing serious signs of needing replacing.  We'd had it around 8 years - the maximum you're recommended to use a mattress before you replace it.  As a coil spring mattress, I'd occasionally get the odd sharp poke in the ribs when I turned over in the night.  It was looking a bit saggy and sorry for itself.  I was constantly waking up with lower back pain and general stiffness in my joints but the most annoying thing was the rolling together.  Now, in the early flushes of a romantic liaison, sleeping face-to-face, limbs entwined is cute.  But trust me, after sharing a bed for 12 years with your snoring partner, you just want some personal space!

When Leesa asked if I'd like to review their mattress it was a great weight lifted.  The thought of shopping for new mattresses had always somewhat daunted me.  You're bombarded with different types, different firmness and you have to do that ridiculous thing in the showroom where you bounce awkwardly on the bed for 30 seconds to decide whether it's going to be comfortable for the next 8 years of your life.

But Leesa have revolutionised the way we shop for mattresses and they're aiming to revolutionise the way we sleep. They have come up with a one-fit mattress which they believe meets the needs of almost all sleepers.  So now you don't need to worry about what level of firmness you need, you just need to pick the size of bed you have!

Made to order in the UK, the Leesa mattress has three layers of high quality foam to deliver the perfect night's sleep - a cool, bouncy top made from 5cm layer of Avena foam (similar to Latex but suitable for latex-allergy sufferers), a 5cm contouring pressure relief layer and a 12 cm core support base layer.  The whole thing is covered in a soft, cool jersey feel fabric, with no seams or labels on the sleeping area to give a comfortable feel all over.

Image credit: Leesa

The purchase is simple too.  Their easy-to-use website makes buying your new mattress a dream. I'd completed my order in less than a couple of minutes, ordered it on a Thursday night and it was delivered to my door on Monday morning (stated delivery time is usually 3-5 working days from order to manufacture and pack your mattress, and then it is shipped directly to you).

I loved the fact that it arrived compressed, rolled and boxed, it made it so much easier to manoeuvre upstairs.  Granted, it was still very heavy and I struggled to manage it on my own, but it can be done by one person, where you'd struggle with a full size king size mattress getting upstairs normally.  It's a great benefit for anyone in a house with narrow stairs, low ceilings, a twisty staircase or living in an apartment - you'd have no problem getting this box in the lift.

My courier was clearly a little heavy-handed with the box, but the goods inside were still in perfect order thanks to the super-tough plastic wrapping.

Set up was very straightforward too.  I'd been told that the mattress expands before your eyes when you unwrap it and I thought it would be fun to shoot a little time-lapse video to show that.  But in truth, it pretty much expanded to size immediately I got the plastic wrapper off so I missed that.  You can see in the photos below, taken one hour apart that it has expanded a little, but as I said, most of the expanding happens the second you get the wrapping off. Apologies for the picture quality, it was a really sunny day, but I got no second-chances with these photos - once it was out of the box there was no way it was going back in!  You can see the photo on the left is how it looked immediately after coming out of the packaging, you can see the outer cover is a bit loose in places where the mattress is still compressed inside.  On the right, after an hour it's fully expanded.  You can gauge how much by looking at the radiator in the background.

Your mattress is full thickness and ready to sleep on pretty much straight away, although we did notice a strong chemical odour the first night.  That soon dissipated and after a few nights had gone altogether.

So how did it feel?  Well, initially I was worried as it was a lot softer than my old mattress.  I was still hung up on the old ways and thought I needed a firm mattress for support.  But I was incredibly surprised by just how comfortable it was.  The very first morning I woke up with no lower back pain at all - the first time I can remember in a very long time.

It took a few nights to get used to the fact that it was softer, but it's not so soft that you sink into it.  It feels supportive and incredibly comfortable and our sleep is just getting better and better.  I no longer suffer with stiff ankles and knees in the morning like I had been (I'd thought that was just down to my age!).  There's no roll-together which is a huge bonus.  Even when our daughter makes the odd stealthy night-time invasion, all three of us can sleep peacefully rather than in a tangled heap sunk in the middle.

I'm hugely impressed with it.  But even if I wasn't, Leesa offer a 100-night guarantee, allowing you to return the product for a full refund if you're not 100% happy with it.

Any returned mattresses are donated to local homeless shelters where possible (if not, they are recycled), and in fact for every ten mattresses they sell, they donate one new one to charity and they plant a tree for every mattress made too, so by purchasing from Leesa you can sleep soundly in more ways than one, knowing you're supporting a company with a clear social conscience. 

Being an online business, they have no expensive stores and showrooms to finance, keeping the costs down for the consumer.

So to summarise, apart from a great night's sleep, the main positives for me with a Leesa mattress are:

Simple to use website with payment by card or Paypal
Prompt, free delivery
Arrives compressed and boxed making it easy to carry
Sets up quickly
Comfortable, cool and supportive feel
Sound corporate social responsibility ethos
UK based manufacturing and sales
100 night risk-free trial

If it's time you changed your mattress, then do check out Leesa, they've offered my readers a £50 discount off any size.

Disclosure: I was provided with a king-size mattress to test out for the purposes of this review.  All thoughts and opinions are my own and are honest. Images are my own unless otherwise stated.


  1. ooh I shall check that out as I need to get a new mattress for Erin. I have struggled though as he bed size is not standard.

    1. Do check them out, although I think they only offer standard UK sizes.

  2. Interesting how it only takes an hour, other mattresses I bought have definitely taken a day to fully expand. Great review!

    1. I couldn't believe how quickly it expanded and settled into shape!

  3. Lord, I've had my mattress for longer than that. Time to go shopping, perhaps?

    1. Oh oops! Do check them out, and don't forget £40 discount code!

  4. I do find it amazing how small they can make mattresses now for delivery, so much better than an enormous one being delivered.

    1. It's amazing when you look how small it is in the box compared to the bed frame.

  5. This could be just the thing for us as we like different types of mattresses!

    1. Ah yes! Then this 'universal' mattress could be just the thing!

  6. I need a decent mattress and this one sounds perfect

  7. We have just got a new bed and mattress but this one looks very good.

  8. We are getting to the point that we need a new mattress for our SUper king sized bed. We need a universal one as the husbeast likes it much firmer than me!

  9. What a great sounding mattress - I keep thinking about getting us another - not sure the last one we had was quite the right type. x

  10. Gosh that sounds ace...we really need one

  11. That looks like a really good quality mattress. You know the other thing I like about it? The box is a lot less cumbersome than a mattress just turning up in flimsy plastic. Our last one was damaged in transit this way and it cost a fortune! ;D

  12. Getting a quality mattress is so important isn't it? We just changed ours and it's made a big difference.

  13. I had no idea you were meant to change mattresses every 8 years.Mine is 13 years old now and it's very sunken and not very comfortable some nights as I have scoliosis.Looks like I'm getting a mattress for Christmas now.

  14. I loved reading your review because my own Leesa mattress is on it's way to my house!! I was planning to video the unboxing too so I will be sure to blog about it so you can see! I can't wait for it to arrive - it's for our daughter's newly decorated bedroom.

  15. My goodness that box was tiny! It sounds fabulous though :)

  16. My bed is my favourite place in the whole wide world ..... although I didn't realise you should change your mattress after 8 years. There are definitely a couple that need changing in our house about now then!

  17. We ordered a mattress for Eliza's bed and I thought I had been sent a mattress topper when it first arrived - we were stunned how quickly it srung into shape though

  18. We bought a new mattress recently and I couldn't believe the difference it made to a good night's sleep x x

  19. That looks impressive, I'd love to watch it expand! xx

  20. I think we've had our mattress about 8 years as well. I'm loath to change it though in case the new one isn't as comfy as this one!

  21. These mattresses sound excellent. I've been thinking about getting a new mattress for my son as he keeps waking up in the night saying that his mattress is too hard - I'm going to look at the Leesa website now.

  22. We need new mattresses, I forget how expensive they are and then remember that you definitely get what you pay for when buying a matress. I prefer memory foam ones

  23. My eldest needs a new mattress I think I will have to check them out.
    It looks like fun watching it expand... well it does to me any way lol.

  24. having just had my baby im in desperate need of a good nights sleep and im putting it down to not just the ups and downs of waking baby but also my terrible mattress

  25. I have to admit Liz I was on the fence about the Leesa brand, but you sold me. I have been having trouble sleeping at night, and I wake up each day feeling more tired than before I went to sleep. My doctor says my mattress is too old and it is time to purchase a new one. I really found your information very helpful. Hope to be getting a good nights sleep soon!

    Dante Storey @ Healthy Bed Store

  26. The memory foam pad is heat sensitive and so when your body is happily spread out on the memory foam pad it has the amazing ability to react to your body heat and retain enough of that heat to leave you feeling warm.memory foam

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Useful post. As per my opinion, Oxy Fresh mattress is the best mattress for comfortable sleep.
