
Wednesday 29 January 2014

Muddy Puddles

Well, that might not be strictly true, but with all this wet weather we've been having lately the only way to deal with it seems to be to embrace it.  Splash in life's puddles.  Catch rain drops on your tongue.  Admire the rainbows...

This weekend we headed off as a family for a walk in the forest.  It was absolutely bucketing it down, the entire time.  But as long as you're warm and dry there's no reason why you can't get out there and have fun. Especially if there's the promise of a hot mug of cocoa at the end of it!

Kids can get kitted out in funky wellies like these clever ones from Muddy Puddles which have tie up tops to stop splashes creeping in and extra warm fleecy inside layers to keep toes toasty.

Or maybe one of their bold patterns to brighten up a dull day?

Do check out their ski and snow wear too - we may not have seen any of the white stuff here yet but rumour has it it's headed our way, and anyway even without snow, a ski suit is perfect for keeping little ones warm and dry. They have a great selection of base layers; hats; walking boots and salopettes, and are also offering £5 off your first order when you sign up to their newsletter.

Half term is coming fast so now's the time to prepare. Don't be a slave to the weather, get kitted out and get out there!  Just don't forget the flask of hot chocolate!

Featured post:  This post is in association with Muddy Puddles


  1. I keep hearing about Muddy Puddles - I must check them out as we are outside all the time and I find it really difficult to find good waterproof all-in-ones. Love those wellies too!

    1. Oh yes do check them out and get your £5 off too!

  2. I love a muddy puddle. Much like Peppa Pig. But I do wish they made adult-sized waterproofs too :)

    1. Adult waterproofs in funky colours would be cool wouldn't they?

  3. My children really need those tie top wellies!

    1. They're great aren't they? Kids always underestimate the volume of splash!

  4. I just wish they made them all in larger sizes! My two love a muddy puddle (actually, can I just say that they love mud?) - waterproof trousers and good wellies have to be the way forward

  5. Kids love muddy puddles and there are just great!

    1. It was all I could do to stop mine making a 'mud angel' this weekend Otilia!

  6. It is SO wet that I can't get the covers I bought for my garden furniture on the actual furniture while it's being battered by it because it never dries out enough. I LOVE these wellies and would like some with a fleecy lining myself :)

  7. Last year I launched The Muddy Puddles Project in memory of my son, Ty, who died of cancer at five years old. I hope you will visit and join in the fun! Always jump in muddy puddles!

    1. I'm so sorry for your loss Cindy. What an inspirational project in memory of your son though. Tomorrow I shall jump in a puddle just for you x

  8. We NEED those tie up wellies.

  9. I think I've found the girls next wellies. I love taking them out to play in the mud!

  10. These look perfect! Off to check them out for Ozzy and Kits!
