
Monday 7 October 2013

Magpie Monday - Rough and Tumble Jumble

Saturday saw the first jumble sale I've been to in ages.  It didn't disappoint, we arrived a full half hour early and even then there were seasoned jumblers there already, firmly rooted to their spot at the head of the queue.

The helpers were busy beavering away inside and at 5 to they dramatically swished back the curtains of the village haul to give us a tantalising glimpse of what was in store - and to presumably make us feel our 20p entrance fee would be money well spent.

There were heaps of handbags and enough hats to see you through decades of weddings precariously piled up on the window sills.  The trestle tables were groaning under the weight of bedding and books.

These church people know how to lay on a good jumble.

The inevitable stampede ensued at bang on 2 o'clock as we herded through the doors, shopping bags at the ready and a pocketful of loose change.  I know how to have fun.

Normally, I have a well versed plan of attack for jumbles but for some reason, this time I was distracted.  I veered off course and was sucked in by the toy stall with it's box of Action Men.  I don't know why.

I thought that maybe I'd pop them on eBay, and there was a nice box full, along with various spare limbs, boots and helmets.  Sadly, my own Eagle-Eyes spotted them as soon as I got home and exclaimed gleefully "Ooooooh when my Barbies see these they're gonna be like 'ooooh BOYS'!!"

What have I raised?  So not only will these never get to see the light of day on eBay, but I've now introduced a whole new dynamic to the playroom and brought toy GUNS into the house. Fail, fail, fail.

The Action Man detour wasn't a good one all round.  It meant I couldn't get near the bric-a-brac stall, and had to hang back forlornly as more focused individuals extricated themselves from the throng clutching vintage opera glasses; an antique typewriter; pretty china and all manner of goodies.

I moped around for a while, picked up a few bits of clothing which will be useful for making bunting and patchwork, and got to do a final swoop of the dregs after it had all been ransacked.

On another day I may not have looked twice at this box.  But I decided to buy it, being seduced by the pretty colours and crafting possibilities.

Yes.  It's a box of tiny coloured Christmas tree light bulbs.  No I don't know if they work.  But actually it doesn't matter, because I have a cunning plan...

Did you have better luck than me this week?  If you have any second-hand finds I'd love you grab the badge and link up.



  1. I love those bulbs!!!!!!! I think they'd look cute displayed in a compote or bowl!!!

    1. Oooh they would! Hope I have some left over.

  2. sounds like a good jumble even though you didn't manage to get to see the bric a brac. Love the coloured lights, I am sure you will weave your magic into something wonderful. We went to Matlock on Saturday which (I never realised before) has some amazing vintage shops. I was with OH and smalls though so will have to head back there again on my own! xx

    1. On your own is definitely the way forward! Or with a like-minded friend!

  3. Argh! Bedding? Sad I missed out on this one! Shame about the lack of bric-a-brac action, you'll have to sharpen those elbows in future. Love the bulbs though, so many crafty possibilities, I look forward to seeing what you do with them. Linking up again for the first time in ages, I've been missing out on all the fun. x

  4. Hi Liz, your girly is growing up! I laughed about her reaction to your action figures find. I will miss our great church bazaar in November, so I know your frustration with not getting to the "good" stuff. There will be another time. I linked with my Wetcreek Museum Blog today. I found some great primitive dolls for CHEAP prices last week. Linda

    1. She is growing up, she's only 5 so I'd say she was growing up too fast! x

  5. Can't wait to see what you have planned for those lightbulbs! I do love a good jumble sale! xx

  6. Hahagahaha "Oooh boys!"
    She is brilliant!

    1. Honestly, I don't know where she gets it from.

  7. Your child is amazing.

    You aren't alone in having a rough jumble sale weekend though!

  8. So curious to see what you'll do with those lights! And what a hilarious/amazing reaction from you're daughter :)

    1. I dread to think what Barbie and Action Man are getting up to!

  9. Yes I also had a successful jumble on Saturday, gonna do a link up now. Can't wait to see your 'cunning plan'.

  10. Looking forward to seeing what you have in store for the light bulbs. xx

    1. I've put pressure on myself now haven't I?!

  11. Cheers for hosting us Liz! Had to laugh at you bringing guns into the house, kinda like my parenting fail...little girls and makeup :) looking forward to going to my first swap meet/market in our "new" town... Shoulde a good way to get a sense of the towns vibe

  12. Oh my.....the possibilities of what you can do with those gorgeous bulbs are endless, aren't they? I have several crafty projects pinned in Pinterest for just those. Great find!


  13. So easy to get distracted at a crowded rummage sale, especially if the littles are with you. Wonder what you are going to do with the colored christmas bulbs.

  14. Love the lights....I found Christmas too!

  15. I cannot wait to see what you do with the light bulbs! I found a box of old glass shades the other week - thought they would make cute bunting but can't find them now - think they may have got swallowed up in the loft!

  16. Oh I do love a good jumble sale. I once had 2 in one day oh the excitement :D But the crowds do overwhelm me sometimes once your in your stuck for good. Can't wait to see what you do with the bulbs.

    Emily XxX
