
Monday 24 June 2013

Magpie Monday - Cupcake Capers

Morning Magpies.

Just a quick post from me today as it's been a hectic weekend at Britmums Live and I have so much catching up to do.

Last week as I was walking aimlessly around town desperately looking for an outfit or two for the conference and bemoaning the state of British fashion, I too refuge in one or two charity shops.

The clothing gods may not have been smiling on me, but back in my comfort zone, the second-hand gods certainly were.  I spotted these two beautiful Laura Ashley sets of felt cakes and scooped them up.

They are brand new and still with their original labels and price tags of (wait for it) £30 each.  I paid a fiver each.  So sixty quids worth of Laura Ashley loveliness to go in the present box for a tenner.

Would you give items you'd bought in a second-hand shop as birthday or Christmas gifts?

If you have any special finds, I'd love you to grab the badge and link up.


  1. What a good find. Lucky lady

    1. Thanks Jen, totally the right moment to walk in to the shop, I think they'd only just been put out.

  2. Ooh, I collect knitted and felt cupcakes like this, really great find!

  3. Oh PLEASE tell me you'll leave the 30 quid stickers on them when you give them away!

    1. Haha good plan, I might 'forget' to take them off!

  4. Lve them (often give second hand gifts!)

    1. Thanks Becky. I was curious on other's views. I'm very happy to give something that's still new and unused but I'd have to know someone very well to give them something that's been used I think. Although I do have some friends who would totally prefer that!

  5. I ONLY give new things found in charity shops or boot sales! Don't do 'real' shops. They are lovely gifts. x

    1. Thanks Emma. I have a set budget for kid's gifts, so this is a great way of stretching it. x

  6. Yes I totally would give charity shops finds as gifts, why ever not?

    1. Me too Fiona but I know others would never dream of it. x

  7. Those are so cute! Perfect present. And like everyone else here, I totally gift second-hand finds all the time!

    1. Thanks Julia and I'm liking the consensus here!

  8. Those are lovely but the retail price is crazy! Definitely a great find at the charity shop price. Nearly everything that I give as presents is secondhand/ home made/upcycled. Christmas is very inexpensive in monetary terms for us, but it is a tad time consuming!

    1. Hi Scarlet. They are very intricate and detailed but no, there's no way I'd have paid £30 each for them!

      Love the sound of your second-hand Christmas x

  9. Great find! and yes I would re-gift them as they are so gorgeous but they'd have to be in tip top condition.
    Great to see you again even if very briefly at the weekend x

    1. Hi Mari, so lovely to see you shame we didn't get to catch up. x

  10. I must agree with everyone else, great find! I have and do gift thrifted items to friends and family. I also enjoy when I receive a thrifted vintage item.

  11. Brilliant, and yes of COURSE I would gift things I'd found in Charity Shops! xx

  12. You lucky lucky thing - what a bargain!

  13. My little one looked over my shoulder while reading your post and decided we should make muffins! I say yay to giving and receiving op shopped gifts, so long as its clean, in good condition and would be appreciated by the recipient.
