
Wednesday 12 June 2013

How to make cork fairy toadstools

Do you believe in fairies?

What could be nicer than making them a comfy little fairy ring of toadstools to rest their little fairy bums on?  We play with these at the bottom of the garden, or take them to the woods in the hope that they'll encourage the little sprites out to play.

They are very simple to make, and best of all it's an excuse to pop some fizz - see how we suffer for our craft?

Use a skewer or cocktail stick pushed into the base to make it easier to hold and to dry.  First I painted the corks with 2 coats of white acrylic paint.  Once dry, stick on some 'dot' stickers then paint the top section red.  Again, I did 2 coats.  Once fully dry, peel off the stickers and you should be left with neat white spots.

When they were on the skewers I did think they'd make nice decorations for a woodland themed party, and I guess if you use non-toxic paint you could use them on party food.

If you leave the skewer in and break it off to a shorter length you can spear it into the ground helping to keep them upright.  Or take the skewers out, pop some in your pocket and leave some little fairy rings for unsuspecting walkers to find!

This craft was featured on Red Ted Art's hangout - she has previously made some lovely cork mushrooms and super cute fairies to go with them.  Check out the video and links below for lots of other cork crafting ideas - and hooray for featuring a crafting material that I have an abundance of!

Click the links for full tutorials:

Red Ted Art's cork knights (so cute and I love how she uses all the pieces from a champers cork) and santa bowling game.

Kids Chaos printable Father's Day truck card

The Fairy and the Frog's cork printing

Here Come The Girls cork letter and number stamps


  1. Oh wow! They are beyond gorgeous! Now I just need 5 champagne corks! Drink anyone?

  2. These are super cute! Am sure I have some of these corks stashed somewhere, either that or open a couple of bottles!

    1. You have full permission to pop a few bottles. For crafting purposes you understand ;0)

  3. Uber cute. I haven't don much cork crafting with girls. Must rectify thet. Mr dad will be pleased!

    1. Get on to wine cork craftage immediately! Next week, what to do with old Tennants cans ;0)

  4. THESE ARE SO FLIPPING CUTE! Wah! We need to drink more booze for craft purposes...

  5. Now I finally see what can be done with the corks at the craft store. Honestly I've never quite understood why craft stores sold them until now.

    These are very cute, and I think they would be fun in the back yard.

    1. Hi, thanks for visiting. x

      Really? I didn't know you could buy them. But where's the fun in that? Hic!

  6. Kitty would go nuts if she saw these! *writes champers on the shopping list* the things I do for my art ;)

  7. LOve. The stickers is a great idea!!

  8. These are lovely! I just need to drink lots of Champagne now ;o) Thanks for joining in the Mumsnet Bloggers crafts linky x
