
Monday 17 September 2012

Magpie Monday - Strawberry Shortcake

You know how some days just pan out to be the absolute dog's?  Well, yesterday was like that.  A truly top banana sort of a day.

We were all up and at 'em relatively early - no loafing in bed til 10 for me, no gyming til 10:30 for OH and no faffing around in PJs in front of Cartoonito all morning for little 'un.

We managed to get to the boot sale at 10am rather than our normal lunchtime Slack Alice approach, and boy were there bargains to be had!

We came home with tonnes of goodies, but most of them are still being washed and scrubbed.  However, I'll show you these favourites now, and you'll just have to excuse the grime.

I spotted this vintage wicker basket under someones table.  I loved the shape which reminds me of creel fishing baskets and the vintage plasterwork strawberry motif.  It cost me a pound and will be perfect for potting on my self-set strawberry suckers.  I think it will make a nice pressie for a vintage lover next spring, all planted up.

I also found this huge and heavy clay shortbread mold, complete with its box and recipe book.  Also a pound, how pretty will my shortbread be now?

After dropping off our stash at home, we hit the road and headed down to London for the gorgeous Lucy's birthday party.  A joyous affair, with cream scones; bunting; singing; chilling and welly wanging in the garden.

How utterly ace is the blogging and Twitter world, that you can meet a kindred spirit and turn it into a real-life friendship, and to be welcomed into her vintage-tastic home and the bosom of her family was just the best.

What second-hand lovelies have you found recently?  Grab the badge and link up x

Me and My Shadow


  1. I want to make pretty shortbread! *pouty face*

    As the yin to your yang I had a crap weekend but I shan't dwell as it'll give me wrinkles. Great finds. xx

    1. Oh no :0(

      Come round and make shortbread with me :0)

  2. Oh wow! Ive been after one of those shortbread moulds! What a fab bargain x

    1. I picked it up and held my breath when I asked for the price - I was expecting more like a fiver!

  3. Sounds like a perfect day, and adore your shortbread mold. How brilliant for a pound! x

  4. YEY! Magpie Monday! I actually have a special find this week to contribute to your Magpie collection. And I LOVE your little bowl - I'm on the hunt for wicker baskets at the moment to fill with jars of jam for Christmas hampers!

  5. mmmm.... shortcake! I've never made it, but I certainly love to eat it, and I bet yours will look awesome with that pan.

  6. Great shortbread find. I love shortbread. Does making it pretty stop you from eating a whole tin in one sitting?

  7. That basket is the total bees knees! How tweely scrumpsctious those strawbs are.
    And, I cannot tell you how happy I am that you and your delicious family came along yesterday. I just loved the party, I have been smiling non stop since, and hanging out with you and your kind just MADE IT x x x x x

  8. Fab finds and happy birthday to Lucy! Hope you took some photos! xx

  9. The basket was a real bargain, it is really pretty. The strawberries add charm and character to the basket i think.

  10. Oooh I love the shortbread pan! How gorgeous! Very cute basket to :) x

  11. Ohh, I didn't realise that's how they made the pretty pattern on it :)

  12. Love the basket, and the shortbread pan is just divine! I love shortbread.

  13. Mmmh shortbread! And the shortbread pan has a lovely design on it.

  14. I would have bought both of them too!
    Aqeela xx

  15. Great basket! It kind of reminds me of an upside down hat :)
