
Sunday 23 September 2012

Magpie Monday - Honey, I shrunk the sewing machine

Yesterday was a super-quick scoot round the boot sale before the heavens opened. It felt like a proper winter day and there were lots of forlorn and downright depressed faces as everyone trudged round the field.

Hardly any sellers had turned up, yet the car park was full of buyers. I kinda knew there weren't going to be many bargains to be had.

However, as the first spots of rain fell, the sellers began quickly packing up, desperate to get home to a hot cup of cocoa. I spied this fabulous vintage mini sewing machine on a table, and the fella who'd clearly had enough only wanted £4 for it.

I don't know if it works - the mechanism seems to work ok (although the cogs that turn the hand wheel do slip a bit). I haven't threaded it up as I don't really know what goes where, or even if all the parts are present.

There's no maker's mark on it anywhere, but I'd love to find out more about it. For now, it sits happily onto of my Singer sewing machine treadle table. Even if it doesn't work, it looks cute don't cha think?!

What second-hand lovelies have you found recently?  Grab the badge and link up x

UPDATE: Ooooooh I've found this on eBay. £70!!  Get in.  OK, so I don't have the box, and it looks like there may be a knob missing, but I'm happy to know the manufacturer and age :0)

Me and My Shadow


  1. I saw a mini sewing machine today at the carboot sale today but it was a singer. I am always disappointed when it rains because you just know that sellers are going to pack away early. Can't blame them though. Your sewing machine is just so cute. Hope it works for you.

  2. Could be a very lucrative bit car booting you've done there, well done! x

  3. I'm surprised there are any vintage sewing machines left after All Saints pinched them all for their window dressings!
    It's great, hope you can get it working :)

  4. Nice find! I love when you buy something because you like it and then find out it's worth a good amount of money. I had a couple of those this week!

  5. Amazing! Even if it doesn't work, it's still beautiful.

  6. What a great find you have there.

  7. Oh my God! What a find! I'm a sewing machine fanatic, and always dream of finding vintage ones in charity shops :-)

  8. Cute, and a possible mini goldmine too. Good skills!

  9. What a sweet little machine, and even sweeter ebay research!!!
    Nice one. Thanks for hosting.

  10. Oh wow - so cute! Even beyond being a sewing machine, it's a nifty looking bit of vintage mechanical goodness!

  11. That is a seriously cute sewing machine! I hope it works because I find that manual machines work better than modern ones! Linking up for the first time :-)

  12. That is so cute. And the one on eBay is seriously tempting!

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