
Monday 30 April 2012

Magpie Monday - Make and Do

There's something a little crafty about my thrifting this week.

Firstly there was this stool which I got for a steal and did a little number on.  Take a peek - it's come up pretty neat I think.

Then, after dropping Ruby off at nursery this morning, I took my customary stroll down to the charity shop.  The lady who works on a Monday had very kindly brought in a load of information and contacts for me for local craft fairs - we'd been chatting the previous week.

Browsing the book shelves, I spotted some great crafting books for Ruby.  Being stuck in watching the torrential rain for the past fortnight, I'm running pretty dry on ideas and inspiration, so these are very welcome.

Firstly, this great book on T-Shirt design, which will be perfect for future DYLON projects.

It covers all kinds of methods from potato printing to using templates.

Then I spotted a couple more Usbourne Activities books.

Fairy Cooking and Fairy Things to Make and Do.

Tell me, what girl wouldn't want to try some Fairy Fudge or Pink Swirly Biscuits?

The other book is full of tutorials on how to make essential fairy accessories- wand; tiara and wings, as well as loads of ideas for paintings, decorations and garlands.

Finally, I found this totally unused Marbling Craft Kit.

I can't wait to have a go with this.  As well as all the ink and equipment, it comes with card blanks and blank pillow boxes.  This kit costs around £15, but I got it for £2.49. Yay!

Plenty to keep us busy for a while.

What have you found 2nd-hand recently?  Grab the badge and link up.

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  1. Usbourne kids books are always lovely - that t-shirt one looks quite fun too, I can't wait to see you modelling your version of the brick wall with graffiti on it!

  2. Check OUT those outfits!


    Great finds, we too have struggled to keep having fun with this shocking weather.

    Hurrah for sun today.

    1. Hurrah indeed!

      Now, please don't be thinking I'll be wearing any such outfits - I can't pull of a baseball cap! I thought DD might look cute in one though, particularly as she audibly 'tut-tuts' when she sees graffiti!

  3. I used to be really into t shirt decorating when I was a teenager.. Ought to get back into it again, Ethan would love it! X

    1. Oh yes, Ruby loves doing it. Check out the Olympics T-shirt we just did :0)

  4. I lost my crafty mojo, until I started to go through some of my books. So I'm back on it now...maybe I'll have a look out for some more too! Off to get crafty!!

    1. Sometimes you just need a bit of inspiration don't you? x

  5. Great crafty finds that marbelling kit looks like fun!

  6. I'm coveting your paper marbling kit - hope you have lots of fun with it :-)

  7. I do love Usbourne books! They are my favourite kids book publishers. Without fail every single one of there books are great.

    Be sure to show the pink swirly biscuits if you make them. They look yummy

    Madison xxx

    1. They do do great books, I particularly love their activity books.

      If I do the pink swirly bisciuts, I'm not entirely sure they'll come out looking like above!

  8. Can't go wrong with books. LOVE THEM !

    Just dashing past today, sorry ! Will catch up later hopefully xx

  9. Love kid's craft books for new ideas. Can never have too many!

    1. I agree, always snap them up when I see them.

  10. It looks like you and Ruby will be having a lot of indoor fun. The marbling kit is interesting, let us know how that turns out.

    1. If this biblical rain continues, we'll need plenty to do!

  11. Oh I love the marbling kit. I used to make marbled paper in the bath, with a horrible concoction of carageen moss in the water, then inks on top. Made lovely paper, but don't know what my housemates at the time thought of my use of the bathroom.

    1. I bet they thought you were a filthy mare! Ho did you explain the tide marks on the tub?!

  12. Ooh what fantastic finds! You'll have tons of fun with those! x

  13. Those books look like so much fun! Can't wait to see what projects you turn out!

    1. Hope it will give me a kick up the bum to do more :0)

  14. Fab finds Lizzie! Love the marbling kit x

    1. Thanks Mama, I've never tried marbling before, looks fun!

  15. Fairy things to make and do has been a big hit in our house - especially the sparkly wands! Love your stool too - such a bargain.
