
Monday 23 April 2012

Magpie Monday - High Street, Higher and Highest

I'm not particularly big on designer labels, or even high end High Street names, but when I manage to get something at a bargain price that I wouldn't normally splurge out full price on, it gives me a warm and smug feeling!

This week, I've managed to find a lovely item for each of us, so everyone's a winner.

For Ruby I found this pretty ditsy print blue shirt by Autograph, Marks and Sparks.  Only £1.25, and in pristine condition.  What would it have cost new? Around £15?

For myself I got a Boden denim skirt with red stitching.  Absolute bargain at £1.99 and again in beautiful condition.  I dread to think how much this would have cost new, and not something I'd have treated myself with.

Yes Cinders, you shall be a Yummy Mummy

I've saved the best til last.  I'm taking a gamble showing it here because I haven't yet given this to the Old Man.  I'm still debating whether to save it for a birthday present.  When I say I'm not a designer label freak, that doesn't mean that he isn't.  Stemming from when he worked in a swanky menswear boutique while at uni, he's always had a thing for designer labels and luxury brands.

I did a little squeal when I found this Mont Blanc leather wallet in the cabinet of a local antiques and collectibles shop.  It will complement his Mont Blanc pen perfectly.

At £15 it may sound a lot to spend on a second-hand wallet, but not when you consider that these cost hundreds.  It has a small indentation mark on the front, but doesn't look like it's ever been used. What do you think, should I surprise him now with it, or save it for his birthday?

Have you found any second-hand treasure lately? Grab the badge and link up.

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  1. Woweee - love them all. The red stitching on the Boden skirt is lovely, and the skirt very you. But I'm drooling most over the Mont Blanc wallet. I can't advise you whether to save of give it to him now, delayed gratification is not one of my strong points :)

    1. Nor is it one of his. Mwah hahahaha! ;0)

  2. Nice denim skirt - and it will go really nicely with the blouse. (I have several second-hand Boden items. Perhaps I ought to do a Magpie Monday post? 'How to be a yummy mummy on a tight budget')

    And the wallet is really, really lovely. Only £15?! A steal at that price!

    1. Oh yeah, a whole Boden post would be fab.

  3. Oh wow! I love your yummy Mummy outfit!! And what bargains!! As for the Wallet.... :O can I come shopping with you?! That's a fabulous bargain!!!!! Make him wait for it..though i'd be too excited and be waving it at him right now! x

    1. I couldn't believe it when I spotted the wallet. He has one already so I know how expensive they are but he's been hinting at a new one for ages ;0)

  4. Great finds i love finding clothing at bargain prices from higher end shops as you know they really are bargains considering how much you would pay for them new!
    As for the wallet hmmmm make him wait hehe x

  5. Ruby is gonna look TOO cute in that!

    I'm not a brand basher either but I can't help that gleeful feeling of snapping up a designer item for cheap.

    1. It's great isn't it.

      Someone recognised my dress yesterday and said "love that dress, is it from Fat Face?" Haha why yes it is (via the chazza shop!)

  6. Lovely when you can get something for everyone and especially when they're such great brands. Great rummaging lady! I'd save the wallet and let him think you spent a fortune ;)

    1. Think p'raps I shall tell him I've been saving all year for it ;0)

  7. Love the little shirt for Ruby - such a pretty print. I'd save the wallet.

    1. Thank you, it's lovely isn't it. I love the fact that it's blue - pretty and feminine without being too girly.

  8. I'd have grabbed that skirt, too, it's darling. And yes, if the birthday isn't too far off, I'd save the wallet.

    1. Thanks Sharon, I think I will hide it away. x

  9. oh I love your bargains! The wallet is fab what a good find!

  10. Love your Boden skirt. Think I'd save the Mont Blanc wallet for a special occasion - at least I'd try to!!

  11. That shirt is so pretty...Love the fabric! x

    1. Isn't it lovely, and it's a perfect fit. I think she'll be getting lots of wear out of it this summer. x

  12. OO! You will be a Yummy Mummy with that skirt. I say keep the wallet for a special occasion otherwise he may start demanding expecting more impromptu presents!

    Madison xxx

  13. Such great finds! Thanks for hosting the share. I am new to thrifting and am really enjoying sharing and seeing others' treasures!

  14. So pleased to have found you and Magpie Monday (though I'm a bit late!) Really enjoyed checking out all the fab finds.
