
Monday 9 April 2012

Magpie Monday - a birthday and a party!

Another year older and certainly no wiser.

Today is my birthday so I'll be taking the day off from my normal Magpie Monday posts, but I did want to put up the linky because despite the Easter holidays I'm sure some of you die-hard bargain hunters have probably written posts!

I also wanted to let you in on the fact that I'm planning a twitter party.  I'm really hoping for your support as we'll be talking about all things second-hand.  The #prelovedparty (working title!) will hopefully encourage newbies to dip their toe into the world of charity shops and car boot sales, and I'm sure together we have tonnes of tips; hints and success stories to share.  Are you passionate about the benefits of re-use and re-cycling? Do you love doing up old junk shop finds, or are you crafty enough to upcycle something?  Can you share pictures or blog posts?  I'd love you come along.

I have a few more details to work out, but look out for announcements on date and time.  I also need a couple of volunteers to help out when I inevitably get thrown in Twitter Jail for repetitive hash-tag usage!

What do you think? Are you in?

In other news, I was thrilled and quite a bit amazed to find I've been shortlisted for a Bloggers in Brilliance award.  Thank you so much to those that nominated me.

image: BBC

I don't like to ask for votes, but as I'm already shortlisted in the 'Style' category, if would be lovely if you could vote for me here.  So if you think you can be stylish on a shoe-string, chic in a jumble sale dress and want to poke consumerism in the eye, then please vote!

I've also been nominated for the MADs, so if you want to put me up for one of their categories too, I really would love you long time.


Me and My Shadow
Grab my button
and link to my blog


  1. Happy Birthday to one of my very favourite bloggers. We are in birthday land today too as it is my daughter's 8th birthday. I think you are almost as mature as her now lol.
    Will link up but may be late due to birthday mayhem and a foolhardy attempt to make a Barbie cake.

  2. Happy birthday! Enjoy your day. May fabulous bargains and wonderful finds litter your path all day!

  3. Happy Birthday! And good luck in the voting for the awards.

    PS please delete the first link I added to the linky - it was the link to my 'Listography - top 5 beauty products'!

  4. Happy Birthday and congratulations on the nominations! x

    1. And you too my dear - I'm up against you so don't stand much chance! x

  5. Happy birthday Lizzie! Hope you have a fab day and look forward to the Twitter party

  6. Happy Birthday, Happy Easter, Happy Blog Nomination Day and anything else that I've missed. Twitter party sounds like fun. x

  7. Happy Birthday my gorgeous Liz x x (Have voted and wishing you all the best of luck too). Hope you are having a fabulous day x

  8. I meant to say twitter party sounds good to me. I work full-time so lunch hour is best, or 9-10 in the evening.

  9. I hope you enjoyed your day, my birthday was last thurs, im 28 now, still too young to be taken seriously!
    I managed so much in the way of secondhand hauls this past week, im almost embarrassed at how much i found!
    Aqeela xx

  10. Happy Birthday to you and Good luck xxx

  11. Happy burp day! Hope twas lovely.
    Am totally up for your twitter party! Wicked idea xx

  12. Happy Birthday, and congrats on your nominations.
